Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/18 22:11

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

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  • Since: 2003/1/29

I can't believe Catz is leaving...

I'm sure this is a mispelling in the admin area, and he is just "fixing" some bugs on his site.

C'mon Catz. Let's close this topic, and laugh about all this loudly.

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/18 22:23

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

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BTW - my previous post was not meant to sound bad. I'm just very shocked, as CW always seems like such a nice and very clever chap. And his work with WF-Sections and his other projects has been so impressive.

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/18 22:36

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

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I don't know what made him take this decision, but I respect this and have to say he will be sadly missed by many.

Catz me old Scotty friend, take care I wish you all the best

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/18 22:39

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

same from myself - very helpful chap :(

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/18 22:42

  • ladon

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OMG no, he's got to be kidding. There is no other way.... or I don't want to see it any other way!

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/18 22:45

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

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I honestly hope this is all some joke, but if not, all the best Catz. Your imput into this community has certainly been instrumental, an your absense will most definately be felt around here. I always admired how someone could code all day for a living, then come home and code so many and such huge project as the mydownloads, wf-channel, wf-section, and I'm sure there are many more.

We have a beta 3 of Wf-Section, and a beta 2 of the mydownloads module. Who will pick up these projects now ?

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 1:22

  • Stewdio

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Bender wrote:

Do you have more than this notice on his website in this matter?

I´m not asking that you tell us what happened. Even if you know - but instead a simple yes or no that due to any other sources you can just confirm this is for real?

Sorry Bender, I don't have any more information on this then the rest of us here have. I am not about to specualte or guess as to the reasons for his decision. I respect the man and his wishes.

I can only hope that the community at large gets an official announcment from him to clarify and close the matter once and for all. All I know is that he is a very busy man.

I stongly encourage all developers to pick up the WF Project.

One possibility I would also like to see is full integration into a future version of the XOOPS package. Although that would have to be carefully considered because it would also mean that XOOPS would have to officialy support the work, which it currently does not because of it's 3rd party status. Thats not to see XOOPS doesn't 'support' him and his work, all I mean is that Catz himself took on the job of supporting all his projects alone, along with developing them.

His dedication and time raised the bar for all developers, both internal and independant alike.

The WF Project is no small undertaking and all potential XOOPS and Independant Developers should weigh the burdon of responsibility with due care. Nothing CW did was amature in scope.

Catz, I've said it once and I'll say it again, you WILL be missed.

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 1:51

  • Tocpe

  • Not too shy to talk

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It looks like his site is just pulling up a blank page now.

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 2:23

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

  • Posts: 2857

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Catz said he would move his site to another server.
Is this the move?

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 2:40

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2206

  • Since: 2003/4/10

God, I hope this is the case, and it is just his quirky sense of humor at play putting up the notice.


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