hosting companies..domain transfer
  • 2004/5/17 8:25

  • limecity

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1602

  • Since: 2003/7/6 0

well.. this might not be appropriate place to ask these question. Its not about xoops..but rather some problem of mine.

I want to know how long does it really take to make a domain transfer?

I never done this before so i have no idea. The current web host of my site is already taking 4 days to do this. I am getting impatience and rather pissed off.

so what i want to know is..
what are the procedure involves in a domain transfer? does it really take tat long do to that?

Re: hosting companies..domain transfer
  • 2004/5/17 9:08

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

Yup, it can take that long indeed. Most hosting providers register their customers domains in bulk, so they get lower prices, but this also means that they have to approve the move of the domain, and they can only do that by verifying it with you. I've already lost 2 domains because providers don't do this, the transfer gets lost somewhere, they require you to give the order and approve the transfer again, etc. etc. etc. A real nightmare.

My solution is to bring all the domains under one roof, and only at a registrar. I use http://www.godaddy.com for my domains, which is cheap and you handle and manage your domains independantly of your hosting. This saves the hassle of working with the middle man (hosting provider) who most of the time don't know what they are doing anyway.


Re: hosting companies..domain transfer
  • 2004/5/17 10:26

  • limecity

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1602

  • Since: 2003/7/6 0

give me more details..

handle and manage your domains independantly of your hosting

how is this different from others?

Re: hosting companies..domain transfer
  • 2004/5/17 16:49

  • kaliman

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/12/17

Herko's advise is very good.

If you have domain1.com registered at registerX (your hosting company for example) and then domain2.com registered at registerY you can go to godaddy and transfer your domains to them. Then your domains will have only one registar (godaddy) where you can manage all the DNS aspects of your domain. This way you can switch from host to host very easy.

This is very good, because having problems with is your hosting company can be common.

Hope this helps you.

Have a nice day

By the way, doing things this way I've never wait more than 24 hours

Re: hosting companies..domain transfer
  • 2004/5/17 17:34

  • limecity

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1602

  • Since: 2003/7/6 0

thanks for the advise. unfortunately i just accepted the contract for 2 years in web hosting with the company. Hopefully i will not be regreting this.

Now trying to get the hosting resolve my web.

I would be very grateful if things are speed up but now its the problem between my previous host and new host.

I have no idea how they are handling it. Now i don't know whether my website is in the old or new host. Still don't know how things are going. They are certainly delaying my projects and stuff.

Also they are indirecly using my website on advertising by placing a temporary LINK to their webhost page. I am not very happy with it since they didn't ask for any permission. I can't do anything about it cause i am feeling threaten by them cuz they are still doing the domain transfer.

Re: hosting companies..domain transfer
  • 2004/5/17 18:47

  • limecity

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1602

  • Since: 2003/7/6 0

my host just contacted me regarding hosting issues.
They told me some data was lost during the transfers and my XOOPS powered website doesn't work anymore. Blaming the other host for the bad transfer.

Herko, yea this is a true nightmare.

I am sure there are some webhost here. So trying to settle the problem by myself. Just few simeple questions on database.

I login to my cpanel and i have these 3 of these:
Restore a Home Backup
Restore a MySQL Database
Restore an Alias/Filter

If i just copy all of my root files (xoops) into the original directory and restore the database.. Will everything work as usual?

btw.. whats Alias/filter.


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