Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 14:11

  • Catzwolf

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rgiord54 wrote:
Hey Cats, It must be me, but it will not save text using spaw the article comes up blank. On the other versions not useing spaw you can copy and paste and no problems. When not using spaw, in new version it will save but then explorer crashes but can't copy and paste. Hope this makes sence.

What version of IE do you use or do you use any other type of browser, because I have not had any problems with this for a long time. I have had WF installed on 5-6 different servers and this is the first time I have heard of this.

Anyone else have this problem?

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 14:13

  • Catzwolf

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  • Since: 2007/9/30


WarDick wrote:
I did not have a previous versions installed on my site.
However I did uninstall the current and reinstall it after I got the new MySQL files and I got the same results as catscity.

I deleted the tables and it installed O.K. however I still have the problem with wfsfilesshow.php issues.

I have noticed that you are using 2.0.6, I will re-install this and see if it is a 2.0.6 issue or something in my coding (probably this lol).

Anyone else have this problem?

Will get back to asp

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 14:16

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


WarDick wrote:
I had the same problem with template messages.

I used phpmyadmin to delete the tables from the database manually.
Then the installation went O.K.

Yeah this problem is a strange one, I may have to totally re-think this one out. Everytime I think I have fixed this, it comes back to bite me!

If anyone thinks they have a solution for this, email me please.

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 15:43

  • rgiord54

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version 6.026 . It will save the doc title,doc sub title, but main text nothing, you can cut and paste and its there, but when you save it explorer crashes and when you go back to the site, the file is there and doc title,sub tile but main page is blank

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 16:30

  • JackJ

  • Community Support Member

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Not speaking to me huffy..

If I go to a category, open an article in that category, at the bottom of the article I have two "return to Category" links. Each one takes me back to the wfsection index page, not the category.

Great feature having categories in the main menu. A category added to the main menu not linking to the correct category ID as mentioned. Latest created category ID resolving to linking to category "0"

(This can be manually altered in the database just now to the correct category ID)

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 16:38

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


JackJ wrote:
Not speaking to me huffy..

If I go to a category, open an article in that category, at the bottom of the article I have two "return to Category" links. Each one takes me back to the wfsection index page, not the category.

Great feature having categories in the main menu. A category added to the main menu not linking to the correct category ID as mentioned. Latest created category ID resolving to linking to category "0"

(This can be manually altered in the database just now to the correct category ID)

Come on your English, what more can I say! :-p

LOL Sorry no I aint m8.

I actually thought I had fixed that? Hmmmm ok will fix for the next version

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 18:23

  • JackJ

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 747

  • Since: 2003/8/31

just cause i tried oot Edit: some clones ya huffy so-and-so..

funny lot you Scots..

I know this is irrelevent the noo, but where do I edit that squashed wfsections image on the index (its ok done this)


If one changes the article image under the Heading: "Add Main Document Image" to anything other than blank.jpg, the article thumbnail will not show in the Category page, just a blank holder for the thumnail next to the teaser. The images are ok in the article page and feature bits.

Initially the default blank.jpg is ok, this only happens if you change the article image. Try to get back to the blank.jpg showing, and no go.

I can't get section images to show at all, but that is perhaps one of the frontend things to be done.

And module update does not work

Hopefully more people give this a good test

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 18:54

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

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Is there a description somewhere of what this module is (and what WF stands for)?

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 19:02

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

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Wolfy's Funky Sections?
Wolfy's Fabby Sections?

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/1 21:52

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


JackJ wrote:
just cause i tried oot Edit: some clones ya huffy so-and-so..

funny lot you Scots..

I know this is irrelevent the noo, but where do I edit that squashed wfsections image on the index (its ok done this)


If one changes the article image under the Heading: "Add Main Document Image" to anything other than blank.jpg, the article thumbnail will not show in the Category page, just a blank holder for the thumnail next to the teaser. The images are ok in the article page and feature bits.

Initially the default blank.jpg is ok, this only happens if you change the article image. Try to get back to the blank.jpg showing, and no go.

I can't get section images to show at all, but that is perhaps one of the frontend things to be done.

And module update does not work

Hopefully more people give this a good test

JackJ, I have always had nothing but deep admiration for you (even if you are English and the reason we are a funny lot is having you lot living on our borders ) and much respect.

First, I have found the reason to the mainmenu problem and I have fixed that.

The module update is a known issue and I still trying to find the reason for this.

Regarding the images, did you chmod all the thumb folder to 777?

I will have a look at those other issues tonight

Nice bit of testing m8, thanks


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