thanks for answering mamba
1. xoops version: do you recommend me use XOOPS 2.5.12 Beta for my site instead of 2.5.11? i want to release and publish final version of my site for next week. does my translated files works on 2.5.12 beta?
2) Modules:a) how can i migrate articles from article modules to publisher? which publisher version do you recommend?
b) can in move my xcgallery to extGallery? extgallery give this error to me:
linkc) i'll try wfdownloads version that you say and tell the result.
d) can i use module contact instead of xhelp?
e) when i active xoopspoll 2.1 beta 2 module, my homepage dont open and just loading:
linkwhen i go to newbb page, my page works but when i click for new poll, i see this error:
link3) Translations: thanks. i will upload my translations to Persian repository on GitHub.
new problems:1) in xoops 2.5.6, i was using publisher 1..04 and everything was fine. i cloned 5 time of this modules for parts of my site. my articles and news was showing in modules/publisher or modules/about and ...
but after update CMS and Modules, its doesnt shows my articles and only show the summary of categories. what should i do?
the modules setting is fine.
2) what should i do to "Who's Online" shows real name instead of username of users?
except this problems, everything is good.
thanks for your time.