  • 2004/4/20 4:46

  • shelley

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  • Posts: 31

  • Since: 2003/10/8

is it possible to integrate vbulletin in XOOPS without using framebrowser?
Unfortunately using framebrowser I have problems of login.

Re: vbulletin
  • 2004/4/20 6:30

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

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Sure it is possible. But we've had this discussion with the Illustrious Maximus Illuminati, who demanded quite rudely that we make this integration happen as soon as possible. But the fact that vBulletin isn't GPL, open source and Free software kinda stops us. We can't edit their code, but it is possible to write data to vBulletin's tables using a XOOPS module or something similar. The fact that there are open source GPL free alternatives out there makes this vBulletin integration stay low on the priorities list of the XOOPS Development Team. You're free and encouraged to try tho, and get all the help in debugging etc. we can give you


Re: vbulletin
  • 2004/4/20 6:34

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

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unfortunately no..

due to vbb costing for a license, and there are plenty of good mods available like ipb, phpbb etc which are free open source modules it isn't in the best interests of many developers to pay for the software to integrate, as it would cost so much to purchase.. modifying it in such a way would break the licensing terms and would make you liable for prosecution..

Re: vbulletin
  • 2004/4/20 10:03

  • Bulls

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Dunno if this helps but i am using phpbb2 forums (with Vbulletin type subforum hacks) which are kinda integrated as i use the multimenu to kick them off. I know that they are not fully integrated but to be honest i am not sure integrated Vbulletin boards would look too good as they seem to need full screen for the subforums to show properly. At least using multi menu's helps you build around the XOOPS portal.


Re: vbulletin
  • 2004/4/20 20:51

  • shelley

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 31

  • Since: 2003/10/8

Thanks for the answers,
for now it would be enough for me also have it integrated with frame browser because I don't need to share the database with xoops.
I would like only to integrate it in the structure of xoops,but like I have said, with framebrowser I have problems with the login: when it is changed pages the login it is lost.
Is there another hack/modules, similar to framebrowesere to integrate external script inside xoops?
Or do you know how to resolve this problem?


Re: vbulletin
  • 2004/4/22 23:00

  • hIBEES

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  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2004/4/20

We run a VB forum with a photopost gallery,
one of the major problems is we have yet to find a front page integrate's ,any breakthrough would be AWESOME

Basically i would like to see a user logging in to any part of the site once and being able to visit each part of site without havin to register again

But as monty says i mite be breakin the law- canny see why thou as Vb forums only need a license to run the forums so havin a hack on a front page etc just for users to log in the once would be excellent,

I've had to turn the login off,well the register bit anyway as i want all user to be within same database

Anyone with any more info if this could be achieved i'd be more than happy to try


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