Here is part of your problem:
Domain Name:
You are not named as the registrant for this domain name. This is not ethical of the hosting company that registered this for you. Your name and email should be under the registrant field for this domain. If I were in you shoes I'd call the hosting company and request that they update your registration. Ask them to make sure you are listed as the registrant for this domain. This may enable you to log in yourself and manage your DNS settings.
Registrant's Agent:
Schlund + Partner AG [Tag = SCHLUND]
http://registrar.schlund.info Relevant Dates:
Registered on: 09-Apr-2004
Renewal Date: 09-Apr-2006
So your domain name is registered until 2006. If your hosting company does not respond, try disputing your rights to this name directly with the registrar. Go to their site and get some support.
Finally, here is your DNS info:
Registration Status:
Registration request being processed
Name servers listed in order:
ns13.schlund.de ns14.schlund.de WHOIS database last updated at 16:10:01 16-Apr-2004
This is the DNS information you change to point to the host of your choice. That is if you can get access to this registration account.
Hope this helps....