Hi Guys, over the next few days I will be stabilizing the myReview code to the point we can call it Beta and release it for testing. It will not have all the functionaly on the wishlist, but it will be stable and usable by the general public if we test it propperly. This will include different category trees, but still with the same rating criteria, Integration into the install framework of xoops, working with php global off, take out all hardcoded looky feely colours, NO php errors in debug mode, no SQL errors in debug mode, Comment block integration, most importantly the language files must work for the whole module (admin part and user part) and maybe some smaller things too.
After that I will be taking the most important features and adding them while trying to release a new beta of that code in 30 days (if only I didn't have to work for a living
If you guys start drawing up the wishlist I will do my best to give you a stable working module.