Is there a Commerical Version of XOOPS
  • 2004/4/6 0:14

  • JerKo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2004/4/5 5


I learned about XOOPS in a College course. I don't have the skills to do the things discussed on this forum. Is there a commerical version I could purchase to lower the learning curve?

Thank you!

Re: Is there a Commerical Version of XOOPS
  • 2004/4/6 0:50

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

No there is no commercial version of xoops.

but if you scout round there are plenty of sites that use XOOPS and also will distribute & setup for a charge.

obviously they are not charging for the software itself, they just charge for the services of installing and maintaining if needed.. also if you want a dedicated theme for your site that isn't available then people will create these themes for you if you know what you want, again some charge for this.. they don't charge huge amounts just enough really to cover their time..

i could install it for you no problem and configure it so that you have a working system, but i wouldn't have the time to keep maintaining it on a regular basis. teaching you the basics wouldn't be that difficult either..

if you want it setup with a few modules etc then let me know and i'll arrange it with you.

my addy is vaughan@clubithard.co.uk

Re: Is there a Commerical Version of XOOPS

As was suggested, there are web hosts that offer XOOPS preinstalled. However, if you have (or are getting) a web host that has PHP and MySQL, you should not have trouble installing Xoops. It is one of the easier ones to install.

Tell me which of these steps you are unable to do, maybe we can help:
1. download XOOPS to your computer
2. decompress (unzip) the XOOPS package
3. use FTP to upload the files to your web host
4. create a user account for your MySQL database
5. point your web browser to the XOOPS install page at your site

That's it. However, if that stuff seems complicated, you can find a host that has already done that for you.

I hope that helps.


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