A great module by wjue,
Holds a lot of potential. I have not publically activated on our site yet because I am unsure of how to present it. That is to say I want to make it even more user friendly for my site...Freecontent works best when retrieving hadlines from news/blogger sites.
Here are my suggestions and what I am trying to work on...
1)being able to set up the amount of headlines retrieved from a site, the current default # is ten.
2)Having one more block....for headlines...
3)And this...(Im just not sure how to do it, or if even feezible with the way this module functions.) Setting at least 2 Urls to be defualt for headline retrieval
So that you can always have the latest headlines from a certain site in a block?!
If anyone has suggestions on doing this please share your thoughts here...
Also: If anyone is having problems setting up cURL to work with PHP on IIS/Windows system....then try visiting this fellow XOOPS site...jctsup's
The group there helped us with specific problems pertaining to setting up cURL to be enabled via IIS etc. And we now have FREECONTENT functioning....