I haven't really looked at any of the FAQ modules yet, including the core module. but I am getting ready to write some FAQ's for the core modules for my site's users and would like some recommendations on whether the core FAQ module is the one to use, or WF-FAQ or perhaps another. I kind of want to get all my ducks in order before I get too far into it.
I find a profound need for this, especially for the site I am building, where my users are not the most proficient with PC's or very internet-savvy. This particular site is a site for family and everything needs to be as clearly explained as possible. I want them to feel comfortable there, and not intimidated to the point of giving up and not coming back.
For example, I recently introduced my brother-in-law to the site in progress, and had the forums and xcGallery up and running. When I got him to the forums (over the phone) he didn't know what it was or even what to do with it, besides look at the categories and say "Very nice ...". I had to explain the whole forum concept to him in real terms (think of a bulletin board in your office ... you write a note and put it there ... and someone writes a note in reply and puts in underneath ... you get the picture) and then the light bulb came on over his head. Now he's good to go.
The same with xcGallery and another user. She thought the whole gallery was the photos that display the latest and random areas as you enter the page and didn't even think to try to click on the categories where the actual albums reside. Once I showed her how to do this, and how to get the actual pic instead of a thumbnail, and even send an e-card, she was ecstatic. And these are but two examples I can think of off the top of my head.
I don't mind writing a user FAQ; the core modules, and many of the more popular modules, aren't too difficult to explain to a basic user if you KISS. I've written a guide for the poorly documented system we use at work, and how-to's for various things we do, as well. So it won't be a big deal. I just need a good recommendation on the best FAQ module to use, or whether an article module might be better.
Thanks in advance.