After a hectic 2 weeks of development and testing Virtue Park is now open
Virtue Park is an online community aiming to provide users of all kind access to a large database of knowledge in the form of forums, tutorials, articles and downloads.
We also supply Free PHP + MySQL enabled hosting for those people who are in need and that are dedicated by getting 100 points, with no ads.
Also includes various small subsites such as free image hosting (photography only) and a PHP pastebin for users to post their broken code and allow other users to view and make modifications to it.
The site is completely run by the power of XOOPS and offers a range of information on it such as themes, hacks etc.
Free XOOPS hosting accounts are also available on request and the latest version of XOOPS is automatically installed to your account, which saves you having to upload it.
I apprciate your comments and suggestions. Thanks.