I created a cenet block with a short amount of text in which I wanted to include a hyperlink. So at the place where I want the hyperlink I clicked the chain-link icon that has a tooltip of "url" when mouseover. I answered two questions ...the URL and the hyperlink text and the following was inserted:
Well, crap, it is working as a link in this post why not in my site?
The syntax looked fine to me. I can see the intended markup structure like html. But instead of a hyperlink I just got the coding in my page when shown.
All you have to do is register and be active on this web-site by posting your questions, anwering someone else's question, just make a comment of someone else's post or perhaps post a querie about some ancestor you are trying to find and you can have your own gedview web-site like this sample http://ecomyes.com/craig/gedview/ Ancestry of U.S. Presidents and Royalty of Europe. Once you become a registered member and have at least one post completed you qualify. Then, send a private message to the webmaster for instructions!
What did I do wrong? How do I get a working hyperlink? Should I or am I required to use normal html coding to get a hyperlink? Duh, that sounds like a stupid question. Hopefully, that makes sense. What is the chain-link icon for if I need to use html?
PS If you have an interest in genealogy visit my site