Sorry to be such a nuisance. I'm not really used to be such a beginner
Being the one translating the Mac into Swedish in 1984 and part of the founding team of Apple in Sweden I find myself, right now in a situation equally interesting (and equally disturbing) as way back in the early 80s - I don't know anything about this but I'm sure going to make it.
We'll back to the problem. Yes I did the "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p password -h `hostname` xxx" and it gave me the whole nine yards of help page tips. Tried it without the "xxx" (replaced with my real pw) at the end and the ended up with an error message: "ERROR 1102: Incorrect dabase name 'edquist.se-local'" wich happens to be the name of my host... not my database.
If you (all of the superb support people out there) think I drive you made... just stop answering. I'll understand you!