Problem with stylesheet or theme.html?
  • 2003/11/19 21:09

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

i've been kinda modifying an existing theme and stylesheet somewhat..

altho i'm no expert with html or the like..

the problem i am having is when someone clicks the message board link and goes to the forum, the header & banner section goes all weird..

also i have turned the blocks off on the message board page, so that the forum is displayed full width of the screen (well that's what i thought it wud do) but no it leaves the left column blank instead..

if any1 could take a look and tell me what i've done wrong, it would be much appreciated

the address ishttp://www.clubithard.com/main

forum ishttp://www.clubithard.com/main/modules/ipboard/

username = test
pw = tester

Re: Problem with stylesheet or theme.html?
  • 2003/11/19 21:44

  • Per4orm

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 145

  • Since: 2003/11/14

The problem definately stems from the theme.html file, as I can also see some layout problems in the main page, which are translated and highlighted in the forums. I hazard to guess that if you include a centre block in the front page, you will experience very similar problems.

Saying exactly what you've done wrong is a little difficult without viewing the theme.html source on it's own though, but it does look like the columns are handled badly which is causing the extra width. For example, on the forums it looks as though there is a left column defined somewhere with no content, creating the black space on the left hand side.

My first suggestion would be to have a look at all the <td> commands, and double check what they all do...

Re: Problem with stylesheet or theme.html?
  • 2003/11/19 22:13

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

well here's the source from theme.html

Well I can see the problem on screen, but I dunno how to actually solve it.. the main problem i am having is the header is overlayed and designed for 800x600 resolution, so i had to add an extra piece to the right hand side..

also same prob with the banner section to an extent altho that is easier to fix..

what i actually want is it all to fit on the screen perfectly.. 800x600 resolution and to automatically expand if viewed on larger resolutions, i'm sure it's to do with the width="100%" command, but i'm not sure on the colspan etc.. i don't want it so that users have to scroll horizontally to view the right hand side..

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