Hello, I've also searching for a webhosting company for hosting my new registered domain by using XOOPS. My friends have recommanded the godaddy.com to me. Does anyone know the service level they provided? From its website, the price of Jonior plan is so attractive, only $3.95 US! But it seems not to be so attractive when comparing with the recommanded list here (using the Deluxe hosting plan)!
When looking at the company background and info. page, it seems to be much more better (It also being ICANN member) than here before!
So, is there anybody know the level of services they provided, and can tell me a little bits more?
The most important thing in my requirement for the webhosting service is the flexibility(Because I've faced the upload problem due to server setting under my testing env., the problem pls. refer to
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=12637&forum=4#forumpost50670 , and I think it can explain what the "flexibility" I want! ) and stable in a reasonable price!
Sorry for asking so many questions, thanks a lot!