Re: Problems uploading avatars and images
  • 2003/11/20 17:26

  • lsrytlee

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  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2003/11/17


znaxx wrote:
I can't upload images to my server.
When I try yto upload an avatar I get an error msg saying that it's an invalid file format. I've hecked and the avatar is in .gif and wel whitin the required size.
I can however upload avatars through the admin module.
I also have the same problem with the cdbase module. I can't upload an images at all.
I've checked and the upload dir is chmod 777.
Appriciate any help...

Other then this, thanks alot for a kick ass product.

How about the file manager in newbb? Is it able to upload files too? As ackbarr said u are better to open the php debug mode to see is there any message show u?

Re: open_basedir restriction in effect
  • 2003/11/20 16:23

  • lsrytlee

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  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2003/11/17

Thanks for your answers to make me understand what is going on for my server! Now, I'm planning to move my web hosting to other company. If u are also looking for other server, u can see this topic : https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=11116&forum=13#forumpost55950!

Thanks again!

Re: open_basedir restriction in effect
  • 2003/11/19 16:33

  • lsrytlee

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  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2003/11/17

Anyone can help me?

Re: New Hosting Provider Wanted
  • 2003/11/19 16:22

  • lsrytlee

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  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2003/11/17

I've asked Onsmart.net about the daily limit on sending mail! They told me that max. 1000 per hour. And I like the online chating with their supporting staff, I get this answer within 5 min.!

Quick response!

Re: New Hosting Provider Wanted
  • 2003/11/18 21:11

  • lsrytlee

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  • Since: 2003/11/17

Jack, thx. for your advice! And I've visited to CBlue's websites hosting at Onsmart.net. and found it is smooth enough from HK. thx a lot!

And as you known it there any daily limitation set on the number of email sending? One more easy question is the 40 GB Data Transfer should be monthly, right? I found they haven't mentioned in their web!

Finally, Thx. for your help again!

Re: open_basedir restriction in effect
  • 2003/11/17 21:51

  • lsrytlee

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  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2003/11/17

Hi all,

I get the same problem in uploading image in image manager, but my version is 2.0.5a! It shown me like this.

Warning [PHP]: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: open_basedir restriction in effectFile(/tmp/phpbqNDIgis not within the allowed path(s): (/home/content/r/y/t/rytleein file class/uploader.php line 183
[PHP]: getimagesize(/tmp/phpbqNDIg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to create streamOperation not permitted in file class/uploader.php line 183

I've tried the suggestion from Onokazu to ask the server administrator of my server to add /tmp to one of the allowed dierctories for open_basedir. But they rejected due to security issue. So, how can I solve it?

From searching other posts here, it seems to be able to use .htacces file to solve similar problem about upload files using upload manager. So, I checked my server hosting, it seems to be able to use .htaccess file.

So, Can I use .htaccess file to solve this problem? If yes, how can I use the .htaccess file, like where should I place the file in which dir. within the path as I posted above (/home/content/r/y/t/rytlee), and what should the file having? (sorry, I'm a newbie in linux server and aparche!)

Thanks for your help!

Re: New Hosting Provider Wanted
  • 2003/11/17 21:27

  • lsrytlee

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  • Since: 2003/11/17

Hello, I've also searching for a webhosting company for hosting my new registered domain by using XOOPS. My friends have recommanded the godaddy.com to me. Does anyone know the service level they provided? From its website, the price of Jonior plan is so attractive, only $3.95 US! But it seems not to be so attractive when comparing with the recommanded list here (using the Deluxe hosting plan)!

When looking at the company background and info. page, it seems to be much more better (It also being ICANN member) than here before!

So, is there anybody know the level of services they provided, and can tell me a little bits more?

The most important thing in my requirement for the webhosting service is the flexibility(Because I've faced the upload problem due to server setting under my testing env., the problem pls. refer to https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=12637&forum=4#forumpost50670 , and I think it can explain what the "flexibility" I want! ) and stable in a reasonable price!

Sorry for asking so many questions, thanks a lot!

Re: Poll Bug - If you edit you get same response
  • 2003/11/17 19:11

  • lsrytlee

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  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2003/11/17

I also find the same problem in 2.0.5! Sometimes it can't updated all the changes, sometimes it can only updated the last row of options! I still can't find out the pattern of it! Anybody found the same problems?



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