News- Has a bug where when a person submits news, the Time of Expiration is set to 12/31/1969 instead of the current date.
- Ability to vote on stories as well as comments (moderation)
- The drop down boxes for both Time of Publication and Time of Expiration only go up until 2004. 2005 will be here sooner than we think!
- If you add multiple subtopics to a main topic, the subtopics are not alpha sorted and thus get out of order rather easily
- Ability to have expired articles pruned from the database or stored in a second database or some other way that can help limit growth of the primary database.
- Add a poll to a story
- A what's related block
NewBB- Mark all read button
- Moderation/voting as above
- Mark all read button
- Subcategories for forums
- Mark all read button
- Friends/foes system or, what may be simpler - an "ignore this user" button/function
- Mark all read button
- Delete a post without losing all the sub posts
- Mark all read button
- Hide private forums except for those users that have access to it
- Mark all read button
Contact Us- Ability to customize the form
- Check box for "I wish to be contacted on this issue"
- Checkboxes/drop down list for the topic of the message (general, site feedback, bug report, problem logging in, suggestion, etc.)
Oh, one more thing: Is it possible to get a mark all read function for the forums?