Official thread(Google's English translation)
Curerently, as of March 22th, there is no official patch for the issues.
function checkReferer($docheck=1)
$ref = xoops_getenv('HTTP_REFERER');
if ($docheck == 0) {
return true;
if ($ref == '') {
return true;
// return false;
if (strpos($ref, XOOPS_URL) !== 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
<a class="menuMain" href="<{$xoops_url}>[b]/modules/wfchannel/blahblahblah[/b]">yourtexta>
4. A unique attribute and its correspong value to comment forms.
-if( ! xoops_refcheck() ) {
+if( ! xoops_refcheck() || $_POST['jfophmledf'] !== 'hgembaec' || $_POST['tzkrcekn'] !== 'qkspoflx' ) {
$cform->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('com_mode', $com_mode));
+$cform->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('jfophmledf', 'hgembaec'));
+$cform->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('tzkrcekn', 'qkspoflx'));
To me it sounds like 3. and 4. have the same approach.
Kazu is working on implementing a ticket system for the upcoming XOOPS 2.0.10
SetEnvIf Referer "(.*)(ronnieazza|future-200|loan|loans|6q|diet-pills|sex|freakycheats|psxtreme|learnhowtoplay|online-deals-4u|poker|gambling|chat-nett|fidelityfunding|terashells|casino|crescentarian|yelucie|smsportali|viagra|blackjack|porn|nude|naked|adult|anal)(.*).(.*)" ToTheDeepestAbyssOfHELL
<Files *>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Deny from env=ToTheDeepestAbyssOfHELL
if ($uid == 0) {
+ if ( ! xoops_refcheck() ) {
+ redirect_header($redirect_page.'='.$com_itemid.'&com_id='.$com_id.'&com_mode='.$com_mode.'&com_order='.$com_order, 1, _NOPERM);
+ exit();
+ }
switch ($xoopsModuleConfig['com_rule']) {
I do not know what to do here? What module folder? Do I need to create one?
Mithrandir wrote:
Ok, this is getting a bit one-sided. GIJOE is not very visible here, but I am sure he does a tremendous job in the Asian community sites, so it is not the case of a guy just coding, coding and coding and not doing any support work.
carnuke wrote:
As this new year starts, let's invite some positive constructive response to this discussion in a way that all parties feel they are heard, appreciated and respected.
[Edit Widget Popup Menu]
Submenu, 67653, Edit Widget Insert Menu
Submenu, 67654, Internal Note List
Submenu, "BB Code", BBCode
Submenu, "Wiki", Pukiwiki
Item, 50864=Undo
Item, 68116=Redo
Item, 50865=Cut
Item, 50866=Copy
Item, 50867=Paste
Item, 50868=Delete
Item, 67652=Copy to note
Item, 67655=Clear
Item, 50869=Select all
Platform Windows-Unix-QNX, --------------------5
Platform Windows-Unix-QNX, Item, 69620=Spell check
Item, "[quote]"=Insert, "[quote]" & Paste & Insert, "[/quote]"
Item, "[img]"=Insert, "[img align=left]" & Paste & Insert, "[/img]"
Item, "[img-tag]"=Insert, "[img][/img]"
Item, "[url]"=Insert, "[url=" & Paste & Insert, "][/url]"
Item, "[url-tag]"=Insert, "[url][/url]"
Item, "[code]"=Insert, "[code][/code]"
Item, "[list]"=Insert, "[list][*][*][*][/list]"
Submenu, "Formatting", Formatting
Item, "[b]"=Cut & Insert, "[b]" & Paste & Insert, "[/b]"
Item, "[i]"=Cut & Insert, "[i]" & Paste & Insert, "[/i]"
Item, "[u]"=Cut & Insert, "[u]" & Paste & Insert, "[/u]"
Item, "[d]"=Cut & Insert, "[d]" & Paste & Insert, "[/d]"
Submenu, "Size", Formatting Size
Submenu, "Color", Formatting Color
Submenu, "Font", Formatting Font
[Formatting Size]
Item, "[size xxSmall]"=Cut & Insert, "[size=xx-small]" & Paste & Insert, "[/size]"
Item, "[size xSmall]"=Cut & Insert, "[size=x-small]" & Paste & Insert, "[/size]"
Item, "[size Small]"=Cut & Insert, "[size=small]" & Paste & Insert, "[/size]"
Item, "[size Large]"=Cut & Insert, "[size=medium]" & Paste & Insert, "[/size]"
Item, "[size Largest]"=Cut & Insert, "[size=large]" & Paste & Insert, "[/size]"
Item, "[size xLargest]"=Cut & Insert, "[size=x-large]" & Paste & Insert, "[/size]"
Item, "[size xxLargest]"=Cut & Insert, "[size=xx-large]" & Paste & Insert, "[/size]"
[Formatting Color]
Item, "Blue"=Cut & Insert, "[color=blue]" & Paste & Insert, "[/color]"
Item, "Red"=Cut & Insert, "[color=red]" & Paste & Insert, "[/color]"
Item, "Purple"=Cut & Insert, "[color=purple]" & Paste & Insert, "[/color]"
Item, "Orange"=Cut & Insert, "[color=orange]" & Paste & Insert, "[/color]"
Item, "Yellow"=Cut & Insert, "[color=yellow]" & Paste & Insert, "[/color]"
Item, "Gray"=Cut & Insert, "[color=gray]" & Paste & Insert, "[/color]"
Item, "Green"=Cut & Insert, "[color=green]" & Paste & Insert, "[/color]"
[Formatting Font]
Item, "Arial"=Cut & Insert, "[font=arial]" & Paste & Insert, "[/font]"
Item, "Verdana"=Cut & Insert, "[font=verdana]" & Paste & Insert, "[/font]"
Item, "Courier"=Cut & Insert, "[font=courier]" & Paste & Insert, "[/font]"
Item, "Impact"=Cut & Insert, "[font=impact]" & Paste & Insert, "[/font]"
Item, "Geneva"=Cut & Insert, "[font=geneva]" & Paste & Insert, "[/font]"
Item, "Optima"=Cut & Insert, "[font=optima]" & Paste & Insert, "[/font]"
Item, "[img]"=Insert, "&ref(" & Paste & Insert, ",center);"
Item, ""
=Insert, ""
Item, "def-list"=Insert, ":|"
Submenu, "Formatting", Syntax
Item, "[b]"=Cut & Insert, "''" & Paste & Insert, "''"
Item, "[i]"=Cut & Insert, "'''" & Paste & Insert, "'''"
Item, "[u]"=Cut & Insert, "%%%" & Paste & Insert, "%%%"
Item, "[d]"=Cut & Insert, "%%" & Paste & Insert, "%%"
Submenu, "Size", Syntax Size
Submenu, "Color", Syntax Color
Submenu, "Font", Syntax Font
[Syntax Size]
Item, "xxSmall"=Cut & Insert, "&size(xx-small){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "xSmall"=Cut & Insert, "&size(x-small){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Small"=Cut & Insert, "&size(small){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Medium"=Cut & Insert, "&size(medium){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Large"=Cut & Insert, "&size(large){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "xLarge"=Cut & Insert, "&size(x-large){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "xxLarge"=Cut & Insert, "&size(xx-large){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
[Syntax Color]
Item, "Blue"=Cut & Insert, "&color(blue){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Red"=Cut & Insert, "&color(red){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Purple"=Cut & Insert, "&color(purple){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Orange"=Cut & Insert, "&color(orange){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Yellow"=Cut & Insert, "&color(yellow){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Gray"=Cut & Insert, "&color(gray){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Green"=Cut & Insert, "&color(green){};"
[Syntax Font]
Item, "Arial"=Cut & Insert, "&font(Arial){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Verdana"=Cut & Insert, "&font(Verdana){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Courier"=Cut & Insert, "&font(Courier){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Impact"=Cut & Insert, "&font(Impact){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Geneva"=Cut & Insert, "&font(Geneva){" & Paste & Insert, "};"
Item, "Optima"=Cut & Insert, "&font(Optima){" & Paste & Insert, "};"