Thankyou, it is very helpful. I much appreciate having a helping hand to show me around getting started with Xoops.
The reason I find XOOPS very attractive is the powerful user management. This is critical for my site and nobody else in this PHP/MySQL Open Source world seems to do it. In fact when I look at other forums discussions about this they all seem to say "we should do it like Xoops".
So this is what I'm looking for in terms of my requirements:
1) Be able to set up categories of articles
2) Attach a group to each category so that only members of the appropriate group can create/edit/etc articles in that category.
3) Have anonymous users able to see the articles
Then I have requirements in terms of inputting content:
1) Articles unrestricted in length
2) With page breaks
3) Print and e-mail buttons provided automatically
4) Input in English, German, or Russian (critical)
5) oh yes - and be able to display PDF files in-page
Then for reading content, I'ld like either to be able to mix languages on the page, or else to be able to separate everything by language.
If tom - or anybody else - has an opinion on the best option for doing all this, then I would be very grateful.
Thanx to all, Joel