Business Directory Created
  • 2003/8/26 6:14

  • builderb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2003/8/4 2

I created a business directory using the MyLinks module as my base and modifying the MyLinks DB to accomodate address, city, state, phone, etc. I have it working really well but I need to add a few things that are a little out of my range before it's ready for official release.

You can check out the xDirectory Module currently running on my site.

I've done alot of the tedius work but now I would like to create a few more things that would make it a very usable module.
First I would like to create a section at the top of each category listing page where I can have sponsored listings(like yahoo) I would also like to list all the sponsored listings on the home page instead of the latest listings.

If someone out there would like to help I'll provide a download of what I have now.

If anyone can think of anything else it needs let me know.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/8/26 9:17

  • Wingz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 71

  • Since: 2002/8/23

G'day builderb ...

Great work! If I could code I'd help but look forward to it - will you be including web addresses and/or emails? Would make web links redundant then for business sites like ours.

Be glad to help beta test.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/8/26 16:53

  • builderb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2003/8/4 2

Right now, I have it set up to hide the website address and e-mail if there is no information in the DB but it will show up when one is added. I just don't have any of that information in the DB at the moment.

I want to keep the web links because it's a useful service to show a list of business with websites only. Plus it makes for another revenue opportunity.
I've also made SOME changes(I still have more to make) to MyLinks module to only show businesses with URL's since they share the same DB. It's not fully working yet but i'll post when it's all ready to view.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/8/26 21:25

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

If anyone can think of anything else it needs let me know.

Wow it looks excellent cant wait for a release.

Ok here are a couple of ideas, which you may or may not like:

+ E-commerce option - Use paypal or nochex, customers can pay to become a sponsored link for the whole business section or just their own and costs per section can be change cia admin per section, allow admins to charge for extra info, eg, they get address free, but if they pay X per year they get a photo, contact telephone number, fax, web address, etc and again on diff tariffs.
+ User Fields - Allow admin to change fields like state to what ever they wish from the admin, which would be useful for diff countries.
+ Additional Fields - Allow admin to add additional fields, which can be required or used for E-commerce option.

There are a couple of other things, but I'll leave these with you.

Excellent work, can't wait to see a release.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/2 6:19

  • limecity

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1602

  • Since: 2003/7/6 0

is the module available for download?
or for testing purposes?

Its a great superb module~~

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/3 1:06

  • rider

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

One feature that would make it better would be to have the ability to search via letter e.g. clicking on R would bring up all the listings in that category that start with an R.

It would make finding a particular business easier.

Also searching by Town/City would be nice.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/3 1:59

  • josecruz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

I'll be happy to help beta-test. How can I get in touch with you?


Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/4 6:26

  • builderb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2003/8/4 2

Ok, Here is the xDirectory module zipped up and ready for testing.
I've set it up with it's own DB tables instead of sharing the tables
with the MyLinks module. This works out much better.

Here a few thing to watch out for:
1) I tried to go through and replace every instance of the word "link"
with the word(s) "business listing" and "listing" but I'm still finding them turn up here and there.
2) you may find some table and cell styles hard coded in some of the files. I'm lazy
3) you may also find some of my site specific verbiage hard coded into some of the pages as well. I'm still lazy

Other than that the module seems to work very well!

If you make any enhancements to the script please let me know!


Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/4 14:53

  • josecruz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

I went through the english language files AND the email templates and picked up a few more of the "links" occurences and replaced them (when appropriate) with the word listing(s).

How can I get the new files to you?


Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/4 17:21

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

This is a excellent addition to xoops, just as a thought would you consider joining the XOOPS Module Development Team (XMDT) site and making this project public for development, it has so much potential.

Please check out the XMDT site at the following url:


I hope you consider this for development, This would mean:

+ Public development project
+ Support on our forums
+ Sourceforge tools, dev access
+ CVS access
+ Excellent team support.

I look forward to your reply.


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