Re: Is XOOPS used for business applications?
  • 2003/5/6 22:24

  • gr8app

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  • Since: 2003/5/6 2

that explains :)

Clarification of the GPL
  • 2003/5/27 2:18

  • Bunny

  • XOOPS Advisor

  • Posts: 57

  • Since: 2002/10/21

(Anyone who is really interested in licensing issues should study the GPL FAQ)

The GPL allows you to do ANYTHING with the code. You can modify it in any way, you can even sell it for as much as anyone wants to pay you. You can make modifications and keep them to yourself. You can give your modifications to a few paying customers only.

The only thing you CAN'T do is restrict anyone's rights on the code, that means whoever gets your modifications (paying or free) can use and distribute them under the terms of the GPL in any way he seems fit.

One other thing: Since XOOPS is released under the GPL (not the LGPL) and the current structure requires modules to call (include) Xoops' files, ALL MODULES are required to be released under the terms of the GPL. (Read the GPL-FAQ. There's no ambiguity or "gray" area.)

Re: Clarification of the GPL
  • 2003/6/13 19:56

  • Hober

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  • Posts: 40

  • Since: 2003/6/13

Bunny, thank you for saying exactly what I was about to say after reading the first page, with people saying you can't modify anything. Probably they misinterpreted the statement that you cannot modify the associated source code (meaning if it's packaged with source code, you can't modify that in a subsequent release). The functional scripts of any new release can be modified to no end (except the credits of course).

I'm currently working on a XOOPS powered site for a local Performing Arts Series. http://www.nmt.edu/~pas/uber/
I have written my own module, called TheaterMan to handle the administration of a series of shows, I have done extensive debugging of eCal (including fixing the horrible translation in the language file) and I've modified the system block to not have the stupid "Home" link (now my Home link goes to the sections module).

I'm almost done editing templates to create a consistent look, and next week I should be able to put a little more work into the actual theme.

Ecal fixes
  • 2003/6/14 3:49

  • dreamgear

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 78

  • Since: 2002/7/18

I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see your Ecal fixes...

Re: Ecal fixes
  • 2003/6/18 22:13

  • Hober

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  • Since: 2003/6/13

I'm still working out a few, but when I'm done I'll make sure to put it all online.

Re: Is XOOPS used for business applications?

I am finding the one type of site this system seems to be hard to outfit for are gaming groups (squads,clans, etc.). I am currently working on extreme modification to get that down.

Check My Site regarding a Team Module for xoops. Should make team management (of multiple teams) easy to use.

This is specifically aimed at squads/clans/tribes playing competitive matches.

Sorry for the Off-topic remark.

Re: Is XOOPS used for business applications?
  • 2003/6/27 14:10

  • Wilkinsa

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  • Since: 2003/4/13

This thread is a YEAR old OMG that is funny!

Re: Is XOOPS used for business applications?
  • 2003/6/27 15:55

  • rahga

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  • Since: 2003/3/12

How about a community-oriented gaming center / internet cafe?


I'm sure we'll post this as yaxs eventually.

Re: Is XOOPS used for business applications?
  • 2003/10/10 17:32

  • shagreel

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  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2003/1/17

Novell uses XOOPS for their developer portal. http://forge.novell.com

Re: Is XOOPS used for business applications?
  • 2003/11/23 19:16

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

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but if you score some $ with your site... you should remeber the tip-jar on this site, and help the community continue.

I think everyone should put a few bucks in the tip jar if they use XOOPS period. Surely $5 is not a whole lot to tip, and if enough people do it the devs will be able to work full time on the proect even and cover some of their expenses etc.

I am sure the bandwidth here alone is a monster.


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