I made the following hack to header.php to allow me to show different things based on whether users are members of a specific group:
*** header.php.orig_060218 Sat Feb 18 15:40:09 2006
--- header.php Sat Feb 18 15:57:11 2006
*** 85,104 ****
--- 85,105 ----
$xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_banner', ' ');
// Weird, but need extra
The latest ones seem to have the email addy set to "myaccount009@gmail.com" and the web site set to "iqwork.com" as the previous poster noted.
It's certainly not definitive evidence, but it seems awfully suspicious that all my sites were growing users with made up names that all used the email address "myaccount009@tom.com". "tom.com" is a japanese site (I think). Not sure what kind of site it is.. I don't read japanese. These site were completely unrelated other than that I maintain them and they're on the same host.
Just about done patching.. I'm going to go through the raw logs tomorrow and see if they were up to anything nefarious.
In the last few hours someone has been registering a bogus username on each of my XOOPS sites. The name is of the form FirstnameNNN where NNN is three digits.
I'm going on a mad patching spree, but my host's server has become very slow at about the same time these accounts were created. I will recover whatever evidence I can, but here's fair warning: Someone is apparently systematically attacking XOOPS installations
Your helpfull suggestions are encouraged.
So XooSphere will require PHP5 ?
As another noted, not many hosting companies are deploying PHP5. Anyone know otherwise ?
Also, a conceptual diagram might help us get our minds around the roadmap.
At first glance, the text is not bright enough.
I generally like light-on-dark themes, but there's not enough contrast for my monitor (a 21" LaCie/Mitsubishi).
If this note gets posted, then I've figure out how to deal with the problem.
You need to remove your Firefox profile and recreate it.
First go into "manage bookmarks" and save your bookmarks somewhere.
go to your "documents and settings//application/data/mozilla/firefox/profiles" and delete your profile. It will be called "default.???" probably.
Then start firefox, recreating your profile, and then use the bookmark manager to restore your bookmarks.
Relative paths where ?
I've still got problems after re-installing firefox. I can't even post to this forum. I get this error:
Insert post error:INSERT INTO x_bb_posts ( post_id, pid, topic_id, forum_id, post_time, uid, poster_ip, poster_name, subject, dohtml, dosmiley, doxcode, doimage, dobr, icon, attachsig, attachment, approved, post_karma, require_reply) VALUES (0, 128644, 29465, 7, 1105027493, 2685, 408636353, '', 'Re: "This is your first time to enter the administration section." loop', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 0, '', 1, 0, 0)
I'd like to report this to the firefox team if I can figure out what it is doing that XOOPS dislikes so much.
I cleared Firefox's cache and the problem went away. So then I went in to try to twiddle the block visibility like I wanted to. No go. It just didn't do it. If I tried to edit the block and change the visibility there it gave me "block update failed - id: nn" or something like that.
I tried disabling the web developer extension (handy, that) and restarted firefox. Same problem. Clead the cache again. Still a problem.
What's more, earlier I was having trouble posting to this forum with firefox. With IE it would work. I emailed the error to Herko since I thought there was something wrong with the site.
This is the first instance of firefox misbehaving that I can remember, and I've been using it since 0.7 or so.
The only thing I can think to try is replacing the fancy "Moox" build of firefox that I have (that was compiled with SSE2 instructions for my P4 3Ghz with hyperthreading) with a vanilla build.
What would firefox have to be doing to give me all these symptoms ?
Ok, you're never going to believe this.
I have discovered that my problems go away if I use IE instead of Firefox ! I still get the first message saying that this is the first time, but then when I click submit I go to the admin menu normally !