Support for Jadoogaran.org
  • 3/9 23:46

  • Ne_rpa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 3/9 23:12

Hi everyone,
And hi mamba!

I hope everyone is well.
jadoogaran.org website has been using the xoopssystem since 2004. But it hasn't been updated for a long time and the latest version of xoops is 2.5.6. i'am new Technical Manager of site and i'm working for new upgrade. i translated the last xoops (2.5.11) to persian. i'm testing it and it's really become better. right now we are creating new theme and working on modules. so much of our old modules has no more updates anymore and we dont know what we should do. modules like article, xcgallery, wfdownlaods and xhelp. but my main problem is Xoopspoll modules. both final and beta version is not working with newbb 5.1.0. i also test it with newbb 5.0.0 but has same problems.

also i need some modules for daily private diary and private notebook but i didnt find anything. im also right now working on translating modules and testing them.

and i need an Alternative modules for xhelp in new xoops.

please help me and tell me what i should do with my modules issue.
and i want to release my persian version of xoops and modules. where can i do this?

thank for your help.

Re: Support for Jadoogaran.org

It's nice to hear that you're working no updating your XOOPS website.

1) XOOPS Version: While you're testing with XOOPS 2.5.11, you can also start testing your website with XOOPS 2.5.12 Beta releases, as it will include Smarty 4, which might force some changes to your templates.

2) Modules:

a) article: This is a dead module, so I would suggest to switch to Publisher
b) xcgallery: dead module, you could try the extGallery or wgGallery
c) wfdownlaods: did you try this version from GitHub: wfdownloads
d) xhelp you might try this version, or the one from me or the one from Goffy , but since the module was not updated for a while, expect bugs there

e) XoopsPoll: Please let us know what problems do you have and I'll try look into it.

e) Private diary: you could try wgDiaries: https://github.com/XoopsModules25x/wgdiaries

3) Translations: You can upload your translations to the Persian repository on GitHub

Let us know if you need any other help...
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Support for Jadoogaran.org
  • 3/10 1:46

  • Ne_rpa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 3/9 23:12

thanks for answering mamba

1. xoops version: do you recommend me use XOOPS 2.5.12 Beta for my site instead of 2.5.11? i want to release and publish final version of my site for next week. does my translated files works on 2.5.12 beta?

2) Modules:
a) how can i migrate articles from article modules to publisher? which publisher version do you recommend?
b) can in move my xcgallery to extGallery? extgallery give this error to me: link
c) i'll try wfdownloads version that you say and tell the result.
d) can i use module contact instead of xhelp?

e) when i active xoopspoll 2.1 beta 2 module, my homepage dont open and just loading: link
when i go to newbb page, my page works but when i click for new poll, i see this error: link

3) Translations: thanks. i will upload my translations to Persian repository on GitHub.

new problems:
1) in xoops 2.5.6, i was using publisher 1..04 and everything was fine. i cloned 5 time of this modules for parts of my site. my articles and news was showing in modules/publisher or modules/about and ...
but after update CMS and Modules, its doesnt shows my articles and only show the summary of categories. what should i do?
the modules setting is fine.
2) what should i do to "Who's Online" shows real name instead of username of users?

except this problems, everything is good.
thanks for your time.

Re: Support for Jadoogaran.org

1) If you want to publish your site next week, then definitely go with 2.5.11
But your translations should work in the future with 2.5.12, so you don't have to worry about it.

2) Modules

a) Article: unfortunately, you will need to migrate them manually. However, you could take a look at Publisher Imports folder:

and see how the import was done with the other modules, and if you could follow the methodology to create an import from the Article module

b) xcgallery: same as above, i.e. you would need to do it manually. Regarding the error with extGalllery, what version do you have?
Try to re-run the Upgrade, as seems like this is a Smarty error, and the /upgrade/preflight.php should be able to fix it

c) keep we posted about wfdownloads

d) if you used xhelp for people to contact you, then, of course, you can use Contact module now

e) I'll have to take a look at XoopsPoll and NewBB

New problems:

1) you might need to export the data from each Publisher module using PhpMyAdmin.
Then install the new version of Publisher, clone it 5 times with the names you used previously, and then in each of them import the old data

2) You can't show the real names in the "Who's Online" block, but you could show them in the pop-up window, when you click on the "more..." link

To do so, go to:


and in the
function b_system_online_show()


$uname $xoopsUser->getVar('uname');


$uname $xoopsUser->getVar('name');
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Support for Jadoogaran.org
  • Yesterday 9:07

  • Ne_rpa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 3/9 23:12

Hi again.
1_ i really need xoopspoll modules but its not working. i tried both 1.4 and 2.1 versions but same errors. really need help.
2_ xhelp version you sent to me, i you said doesnt work properly. contact modules is too simple and not enough. is there any other module?
3_ new version of extgallery blocks have some problems. but the module itself work.
4_ Publisher problem solved with the way you said. but my news comments deleted. i backup my xoops_comment database table and the problem solved completely. but the blocks of publisher have problem. specially "latest news" block.

this is my main problems right now. thanks

Re: Support for Jadoogaran.org

XoopsPoll - If I find time this weekend, I'll try to take a look into it

xHelp - When you say that the Contact module is "too simple and not enough", what kind of functionality are you looking for?

Regarding the blocks issues in extGallery and Publisher, please provide detailed info, so we can replicate it and then try to fix it.
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