1) If you want to publish your site next week, then definitely go with
2.5.11But your translations should work in the future with 2.5.12, so you don't have to worry about it.
2) Modulesa) Article: unfortunately, you will need to migrate them manually. However, you could take a look at Publisher Imports folder:
and see how the import was done with the other modules, and if you could follow the methodology to create an import from the Article module
b) xcgallery: same as above, i.e. you would need to do it manually. Regarding the error with extGalllery, what version do you have?
Try to re-run the Upgrade, as seems like this is a Smarty error, and the /upgrade/preflight.php should be able to fix it
c) keep we posted about wfdownloads
d) if you used xhelp for people to contact you, then, of course, you can use Contact module now
e) I'll have to take a look at XoopsPoll and NewBB
New problems:1) you might need to export the data from each Publisher module using PhpMyAdmin.
Then install the new version of Publisher, clone it 5 times with the names you used previously, and then in each of them import the old data
2) You can't show the real names in the "Who's Online" block, but you could show them in the pop-up window, when you click on the "more..." link
To do so, go to:
and in the
function b_system_online_show()
$uname = $xoopsUser->getVar('uname');
$uname = $xoopsUser->getVar('name');