Re: The future of XOOPS?


Mamba wrote:
Everything I see was released in 2008.

As Alain mentioned, it looks like you either looked in all the wrong places, or didn't look at all

It's enough to look at the News:

a) Modules
b) Themes

Almost all of our development is happening on GitHub, so you need to look there, e.g. Modules:

Most of those modules are old and full of bugs! Just yesterday I tested 3 of then from the github 2.5x repository and none of them work including newBB. All I keep getting is 404 errors and oops were sorry blank white pages.
The damn private messaging module didn't even work on a fresh install of 2.5.10. Look on.my site here:

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2020/1/15 14:38

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 536

  • Since: 2003/6/20

Seems that you have a trouble with your installation or configuration

for your link : http://kookoosnest.byethost31.com/modules/pm/viewpmsg.php
as anonymous (visitor) i should see :
Sorry, you don't have the permission to access this area.

but i can see "403 Access denied", an apache error...

Pm works fine, i installed lot of XOOPS2.5.11 since 3 mois (more than 12) and PM works fine.
Dont know if your XOOPS installation is bad, your transfert is not ok, or your didnt configure groups and module,
Dont know if you are in good step with requirements (Php version, Mysql version)...

I write some links to gmage modules or ggoffy modules,
There are the very last modules ready to run as it in XOOPS 2.5.11
For exemple, try xm-content, xm-news, wg-team, wggallery, wgtimelines


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