I am working on a bug ticketing module, for release in a number of weeks, for some reason in XOOPS 2.5.9 I am not sure how long this bug has existed by for example in xoops_version.php the following is specified:
$modversion['onInstall'] = "include/install.php";
$modversion['onUpdate'] = "include/onupdate.php";
$modversion['onUninstall'] = "include/uninstall.php";
and in include/install.php the following function is specified but not being called by the installation in system:-
function xoops_module_pre_install_tickets($module) {
the problem is the call is incorrect on line 98 of /system/admin/modulesadmin/modulesadmin.php when backtracking it for some reason the call for single parthensis is being used in double quote
ie with the code
$func = "xoops_module_pre_install_{$dirname}";
Should read as follows
$func = "xoops_module_pre_install_$dirname";
it doesn't require double brackets from PHP 2