ok, I found it
in items_random_item.php
$mainImage = $itemsObj->getMainImage(); // check to see if GD function exist if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { $block['item_image'] = $mainImage['image_path']; } else { $block['item_image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . $mainImage['image_path'] . '&w=' . $imgwidth; // No $imgheight for autoheight option }
template publisher_items_random_item.html
<img src="<{$block.item_image}>" alt="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="padding:5px;"/>
Now the big question... I also have coding to display a default image if an item doesn't have an assigned image
from this threadSo, how can I get the random item block to show the default image, if an assigned image doesn't exist.
Basically, both bits of code have to be merged