XOOPS BBCode for SoundCloud. (parts were taken from
*Download the soundcloud image for the text editor.
http://bit.ly/tV7mm (from step 3 in the soundcloud blog) save it as soundcloud.png and upload it to yourdomain.com/images/form
*Go to your site and create a folder called soundcloud in:
so it looks like
* add two files to it
class MytsSoundcloud extends MyTextSanitizerExtension
function encode($textarea_id)
$config = parent::loadConfig( dirname(__FILE__) );
$code = "{$this->image_path}/soundcloud.png' alt='SoundCloud' onclick='xoopsCodeSoundCloud("{$textarea_id}","" . htmlspecialchars('Enter SoundCloud Profile URL', ENT_QUOTES) . "");' onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"'/> ";
$javascript = << function xoopsCodeSoundCloud(id, enterSoundCloud)
var selection = xoopsGetSelect(id);
if (selection.length > 0) {
var text = selection;
} else {
var text = prompt(enterSoundCloud, "");
var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
xoopsInsertText(domobj, "[soundcloud]"+text+"[/soundcloud]");
return array($code, $javascript);
function load(&$ts)
$ts->patterns[] = "/[soundcloud](http[s]?://[^"'<>]*)(.*)[/soundcloud]/esU";
$ts->replacements[] = __CLASS__ . "::decode('\1\2')";
function decode($url)
$config = parent::loadConfig(dirname(__FILE__));
if (!preg_match("/^http://(www.)?soundcloud.com/(.*)/i", $url, $matches)) {
trigger_error("Not matched: {$url}", E_USER_WARNING);
return "";
$code = '<object height="81" width="100%"><param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url='.$url.'&g=bb">';
$code .= 'param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">param>';
$code .= '<embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url='.$url.'&g=bb" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%">embed>object>';
$code .= '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'a>';
return $code;
I also included the soundcloud.php file here ->>
https://gist.github.com/ihackcode/d46633276fe128d1ffc0 *edit this file yourdomain.com/class/textsanitizer/config.php
enable the soundcloud bbcode in the extensions array by adding this line
"soundcloud" => 1,
Example of including the element in the array
"extensions" => array(
"iframe" => 0,
"image" => 1,
"flash" => 1,
"youtube" => 1,
"mp3" => 0,
"wmp" => 0,
// If other module is used, please modify the following detection and 'link' in /wiki/config.php
"wiki" => is_dir(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/mediawiki/'),
"mms" => 0,
"rtsp" => 0,
"soundcloud" => 1,
"ul" => 1,
"li" => 1),
now you should be able to use the SoundCloud bbcode.