Extreme ThemeWell I haven't released a theme before so I thought I should! This is solely not just my work it comprised of a couple of people's work to make this theme! This is being release cause it is GNU2 from aph3x so we have to release further modification as part of OSI and Open Source agreements!
This theme was based on bleekk's framework but was from pulse (
http://www.aphexthemes.com/pulse-theme.html ) by aph3x (Erol) it is responsive and been highly modified for the community.
It includes a cycling background as well as gradients and plenty of CSS3 like for the title which include shadows and stroking. The main body is a gradient which if you want to change you will have to look up
"Ultimate Gradient Generator" on google.com and change the CSS in
/theme/extreme/css/style.css with the class tag to change which is
.mainbody {}.
Cycling BackgroundThis is designed to run on Apache with a .htaccess being included in
/theme/extreme/images/backgrounds/ which is for the php file background.php which will search all sub-folders in
/theme/extreme/images/backgrounds/ for suitable images and output them at scalar to 800x600 for the wall paper which is jQuery cycling and randomly changing method which is some additional code in the Java-script by wishcraft to have random background shifts.
Downloading & UnpackingDownload:
xoops2.5_theme_extreme.zip - 5.3 MB
When you download the zip and unpack it, you will be presented with a folder called 'extreme' this simply drops into the
/themes/ path of your
XOOPS installation, remember too remove the sample backgrounds
/theme/extreme/images/backgrounds/samples/ and replace the 'samples' sub-folder with as many sub-folder however deep with backgrounds and wall papers you want in the background of the module!
Further MediaRemember if you want to listen to some of my influential music tune into
http://galactic-conquest.com it has guest access on subsonic, and Xortify (
https://xortify.com) has reached the end of it SDLC... Check them out