xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2014/1/2 21:40

  • Cuidiu

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 358

  • Since: 2006/4/23

Thanks for all your hard work on this very nice theme! I'm curious, what is the purpose of the Shareaholic code? I also notice tracking with Google Analytics (google-analytics.com/ga.js) script being called. I'm not up to date on everything these days so forgive me if I'm missing something. Is the Google Analytics tracking being used by Shareaholic?

Thank in advance.

Re: xBootstrap 3 Theme

Hello Cuidiu!
Shareaholic is a service for sharing content on social networks. I replaced the old code for it, more modern.

Official Site of shareaholic: https://www.shareaholic.com/

The Analitycs is just to keep my subdomain, not part of the theme, was inserted in the administration of my demo site.

Shareaholic was inserted in the code of the theme, more can be disabled in the administration of news and extgallery modules.

Re: xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2014/1/2 23:38

  • Cuidiu

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 358

  • Since: 2006/4/23

Hi Angelo,

Thanks for your quick reply. The Google Analytics code is there when I look at JS information from Firefox browser. It's not present on other themes but when I use the xBootstrap 3 it is there. This script is called: http://google-analytics.com/ga.js

I suspect it is the Shareaholic JS because this is part of that JS code:
google_analytics_tracker=function(){return window.Shareaholic_GA}

So maybe they are using GA in conjuction with their code.

When I remove the code below from the theme, the Analytics script no longer appears:
<{includeq file="$theme_name/tpl/shareaholic-script.html"}>

Thanks again for a great theme!

Re: xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2015/12/21 20:44

  • Runeher

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 825

  • Since: 2008/1/24

Hi, to get Googlebot to accept changes to the responsive theme, I had to delete Disallow: /themes/ in robots.txt

I tried to add
Allow: *.css
Allow: *.js

but that didn't work...

Users should test their responsive site here: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/

Apparently Googlebot uses js and css to read the mobile theme, so restricting access to /themes is not good for the result...

Re: xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2016/7/31 0:29

  • supergran

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2011/6/6 1

Hi Angelo, this is a great theme and good to see Bootstrap in Xoops. I have tried to remove the shareaholic scripts and references but even though I have deleted all mentions of it I still get an error
Smarty error: unable to read resource: "xbootstrap/tpl/shareaholic-script.tpl" in file /class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1094

I cannot find any more refernces to the script, is there a variable I should look for to remove the last part?
Thanks again for your work on this theme.

Re: xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2016/7/31 2:43

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

This might be still some links in the cache. Go to Admin->Maintenance, and clear the Cache
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Re: xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2016/7/31 15:27

  • goffy

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 545

  • Since: 2010/12/27

Hi supergran

it seems that you have only deleted the file shareaholic-script.tpl

you have to goto theme.tpl and remove line 38
<{includeq file="$theme_name/tpl/shareaholic-script.tpl"}>

Re: xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2016/8/4 22:23

  • supergran

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2011/6/6 1

Thank you both - I had commented out the script line but not deleted it. Once I deleted it completely all was well.
Great to see the theme being used as standard and core modules adapted too.
Thank you for your help.


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