Re: xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2014/1/2 23:38

  • Cuidiu

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Hi Angelo,

Thanks for your quick reply. The Google Analytics code is there when I look at JS information from Firefox browser. It's not present on other themes but when I use the xBootstrap 3 it is there. This script is called: http://google-analytics.com/ga.js

I suspect it is the Shareaholic JS because this is part of that JS code:
google_analytics_tracker=function(){return window.Shareaholic_GA}

So maybe they are using GA in conjuction with their code.

When I remove the code below from the theme, the Analytics script no longer appears:
<{includeq file="$theme_name/tpl/shareaholic-script.html"}>

Thanks again for a great theme!

xBootstrap 3 Theme
  • 2014/1/2 21:40

  • Cuidiu

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Thanks for all your hard work on this very nice theme! I'm curious, what is the purpose of the Shareaholic code? I also notice tracking with Google Analytics (google-analytics.com/ga.js) script being called. I'm not up to date on everything these days so forgive me if I'm missing something. Is the Google Analytics tracking being used by Shareaholic?

Thank in advance.

CBB Template Question
  • 2009/8/4 1:43

  • Cuidiu

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  • Posts: 358

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The below has been resolved. It was a cache issue and has been cleared.
I want to do one of the following:
1. Disable two of the options on the action.transfer.php page
2. Remove the Transfer link on the viewtopic.php?topic_id=# page.

I cannot find the template for nor the individual options in the php page for #1. I either cannot seem to find the template for #2 OR my edits are not taking no matter what I do (I've updated the module, cleared templates_c directory, etc.). I've edited the newbb_thread.html template without success. Would someone please help? All I want to do is control what the visitor can do with regard to the Transfer options for posts. If I cannot do that, I'd like to remove the Transfer altogether.

CBB version is 3.05 on XOOPS 2.2.4. I cannot upgrade CBB module or XOOPS at this time so if the solution is to upgrade - I am not able to do so.


[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]

Re: keep loginname and displayname from xoops2.2 after upgrade to xoops 2.3
  • 2009/7/15 15:44

  • Cuidiu

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What is the status on the displayname when upgrading from XOOPS 2.2.4 to 2.3.x? If the displayname is implemented, I have 2 sites ready to upgrade from 2.2.4. I've tried to find info on Sourceforge and it appears to be noted as a bug but I don't see it listed as fixed in the change log (though I may have missed it). Would appreciate any help/info on this issue!


Marco wrote:
thanks irmtfan
the issue is being working on (check the svn), and will be available in the next 2.3x release.
[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]

Re: Deleting Users
  • 2009/7/15 14:16

  • Cuidiu

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  • Since: 2006/4/23

Hi Catzwolf,
Have you had a chance to update the profile module?

Edited: Sorry... I just now ran across your post from earlier this month and see that you are no longer coding. Please disregard the above. I wish you the best and a quick recovery.


Catzwolf wrote:
Just had a look at the way this has been done. It will take a bit more than just deleting the users from the users table, seems the profile module as a link id to it now.

Give me a few hours, I will update the profile module to allow deleting of groups and post a link here for it k.
[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]

Re: DMS - Document Management System
  • 2009/6/10 20:54

  • Cuidiu

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btesec wrote:
check you mailbox, Maybe you can post it somewhere for the community.

Thanks very much! I wish I could. Perhaps someone here at XOOPS can do this?
[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]

Re: DMS - Document Management System
  • 2009/6/10 19:13

  • Cuidiu

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PM sent and thanks!
[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]

Re: DMS - Document Management System
  • 2009/6/10 15:03

  • Cuidiu

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  • Posts: 358

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I am unable to import Word docs with images. A plain text Word doc is fine but anything with a graphic will give a blank screen on import. I turned on PHP debug and no errors listed - just a blank screen. I am wondering if safe mode could be the issue.

I am using DMS 1.4 on XOOPS 2.2.4. It works fine otherwise. I have tried to find an updated DMS download but the dev.xoops.org site is closed. Can anyone help?
[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]

Re: Deleting Users
  • 2009/3/5 0:25

  • Cuidiu

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 358

  • Since: 2006/4/23

For 2.2.4? Wow... that will be great! Thanks so much!
[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]

Re: Deleting Users
  • 2009/3/4 15:50

  • Cuidiu

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 358

  • Since: 2006/4/23

Thanks, catzwolf. I was hoping I wouldn't have to venture in there to delete users. I would need to delete in two areas - profile and users, right? (Can't really remember offhand). That might prove to be difficult for me.

I do have them separated into a specific group. Too bad deleting the group doesn't have an option to delete the users (within it) from the database.
[size=x-small]Working sites:
XOOPS 2.0.16 PHP 5.2.2, MySQL 5.0.24a-standard-log, Apache/2.0.54 (Unix)
XOOPS 2.2.4, PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 3.23.58, Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)[/size]

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