Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/3/16 4:12

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21


I have fixed both ./mylinks/rss.php and ./mylinks/atom.php and their associated templates. Both feeds now validate using the http://feedvalidator.org validator.

You may get the following message, depending on the browser you use (for example Chrome will complain unless you add an RSS reader add-in to Chrome since it doesn't have one built in) but IE, Firefox and a few of the news readers I tried validated and displayed the feeds correctly.


This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

But the output does create valid RSS and ATOM feeds.

I have submitted all the changes above to SVN, including:
  • added language defines to include all defines for 3.11 (most are non-translated)

  • fixed rss and atom feeds so they validate

  • fixed bug for invalid include of utility class (no longer needed)

  • updated ./docs/install.txt and ./docs/readme.txt


  • changed revision to RC3

Let me know if you find anything else. Once I'm pretty sure that nothing else pops up in the next couple of days I will package up a RC3 release for testing. Hopefully that will be the last one before going to 3.11 FINAL.

Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/4/1 1:46

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21

Has anyone had a chance to check out the RC3 release made about a week ago? I believe all the items identified in the RC2 release have been fixed. See https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=6456

I would like to release the v3.11 FINAL version of this module but would feel more comfortable if I at least knew someone, other than me, has installed and run it through at least a rudimentary set of tests.

Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/4/1 4:31

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

I install it in local yesterday and cannot find any issue.
well done!
but i should upgrade my production website module, then i can confirm it

Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/4/1 13:09

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21

thanks for the report irmtfan!

Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/4/2 5:40

  • sabahan

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 317

  • Since: 2006/3/4 5

nice.. so far so good thank you for the update...congrats zyspec..

a suggestion maybe add the ability to disable rating, report broken link, tell a friend, comment link (after disable comment) etc

Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/4/2 20:23

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21

Thanks sabahan. If I don't hear something severely wrong with v3.11 I will release the FINAL version soon.

Many of the suggestions you have listed above are planned for the revision after 3.11.

Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/5/19 0:45

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21

Taken from news release by btesec


I am trying to display category images for some reason it is now showing I have uploaded the image and pasted the web url. but then it get covernted to the following:
http://localhost/site/up ... ages/img5197ae1f7cadc.jpg

under the field:
Image URL (OPTIONAL and Only valid for main categories. Image height will be resized to 50):

Any fix is welcome.



Can you tell me where you're seeing the above. When I look at the code I don't see anywhere inside the module that could be displaying this. Any help you can give to point me in the right direction would be invaluable to solve this quickly.

Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/5/20 10:18

  • SMEDrieben

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 173

  • Since: 2009/6/17

Thanks ! Two comments:

// main.php

is defined twice in language/nederlands/admin.php.

There is an option:

Allow anonymous users to send tell-a-friend email
Yes will allow anonymous user to tell-a-friend.

I think it doesn't work. In other modules, an additonal icon appears. I didn't see this icon next to the print and pdf icon.


Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/5/20 15:56

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21


is defined twice in language/nederlands/admin.php.

Thank you for reporting this.

I have fixed the ./language/nederlands/admin.php duplicate definition of _AM_MYLINKS_IGNORE.


There is an option:

Allow anonymous users to send tell-a-friend email
Yes will allow anonymous user to tell-a-friend.

I think it doesn't work. In other modules, an additonal icon appears. I didn't see this icon next to the print and pdf icon.

I believe the option does work. If you look at the bottom of the listing there is a horizontal menu with the following items "Rate this Site | Modify | Report Broken Link | Tell a Friend | Comments" For anonymous users the 'Tell a Friend' link should only appear if the setting above is set to YES in Preferences.

Currently there is not a 'Tell a Friend' icon for any user whether they are signed in, or not (anonymous). We can look at adding an icon in a future release.

Re: MyLinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing
  • 2013/5/23 15:56

  • btesec

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 623

  • Since: 2007/2/20

Hello zyspec,

here is what I do:

1. I uplaod the image to the xoops image manager then copy the image url which looks as follows: href="http://localhost/site/uploads/images/img5197ae1f7cadc.jpg

2. I edit/create category, then I paste the image url I copied above and paste it in the image url which is bellow title field/textbox, then I save.

3. I visit the module home page and not image shows. I then return and edit that same category I edit in step 2 just to find out that the url is as mentioned in above post like: http://localhost/site/up ... ages/img5197ae1f7cadc.jpg

Let me know if this is much clear and if any fix is possible. It would be ideal if an image uploader feature can be added for attaching images to categories.

May I also suggest for a better way to edit links instead of having use link id, a drop down list of links which when one is clicked opens in edit mode or a similar solutions like tdmdownloads module list all entries with an edit button to the side of each entry.

Thank you.


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