Xortify 4.06 - Heuristic Spam Checking Edition Xortify is a network security drone that uses Web 2.0 techniques to link between your XOOPS installs and other via a Server Cloud. This will prevent security intrusions to your xoops with accurate deceptive notation of the intruder and prevent any farmed attacks. It is an accessory and required Protector to be installed an running to be part of the hookup. Otherwise it will run without protector just make sure you deselect protector as a provider.
A cloud computing process is one which staggers multiple networks sometime and mainly unknown to the webmaster into a network or cloud of data. In this example it is IP and Netaddy names to control access lists.
This will prevent predators from exposing your network to lag and other attacks from link farming, often this means many xoops are attacked in occasions which is all the time caught by protector, this way if an attack is in process across a large spectrum of links, your site will down itself to your sourced attack even if it is discovered on a completely unaffiliated site that is link farmed to yours or on a XOOPS User list.
Xortify is a cloud solution to protectors Bad IPs, if someone attempts to hack your site and becomes a bad IP it will then send the IP to the Ban Cloud on Xortify.com and its paired cloud Xortify.chronolabs.coop. It will also poll the server to make sure it has the latest ban list so your website will be aware of malusers before they attack through farming IP from services like Google or bing.
Xortify is finally bug free, there was a lasting reminder of how it can be quiet frustrating developing software, especially cloud solutions with so many variables to hone to make sure the system is working, you should enjoy this version and any future releases for XOOPS 2.7, but as it stands I can't find anymore situations, warnings, notices or WSOD with this copy.
XOOPS 2.5 Download:
https://code.google.com/p/chronolabs2/downloads/detail?name=xoops2.5_xortify_4.06.zipXOOPS 2.6 Download:
https://code.google.com/p/chronolabs2/downloads/detail?name=Xortify%20Series%204.xx.pdfWhat's new in Series 4The old features of Xortify will remain; the 3 month honey-pot ban as well as other details. We will be adding a system similar to a virus scanner but for spam; this will work like the heuristic system much like a virus scanner, when an Editor Object, Text Area or DHTML XOOPS Form object passes data to your portal - Xortify will pick this up in the preloader system of XOOPS and check the content via the cloud for traits of SPAM.
We have been provided by stop forum spam (SFS) 20Gb of Spam evidence that we are currently working through to find the best possible formula for a heuristics system of checking user submitted content; this will probably be keywords and key phrases with relative weighs against them. SFS are considering running our algorithm as well; do so which the formula will be congruent with the organic nature of spam.
Although the cloud services are not finished yet for this; the components' of it has been written into the client so you will be right to install XOOPS Xortify Client for XOOPS 2.5 or XOOPS 2.6 and be well knowing that within a number of weeks, you system will be checking for SPAM heuristics.
* Minimum Post Lengths (Number of Words)
* Heuristic Spam Checking (Just like a Virus Scanner)
* Cloud Server List Propogation - Floating cloud
* Cache Maintenance Cleanup
* Better Ban List
* Better XOOPS 2.5 Module Class GUI
* Greater Ban Diagnostics
* CURL Resolution Timeout
* Fault Locking/Delay
* Performance Extras - fixed
* Cron Job State and Timing
* Pre PHP 5.2 Compatibility
* My IP Information Anti Ban Prevention
* Provider Plugins
* Admin Usage Log
* Protector Module Provider
* Project Honeypot Provider
* Stop Forum Spam Provider
* Spider Module Provide
* XML Polling Protocol
* Serialisation API Protocol
* JSON API Protocol
* SOAP API Protocol
* Anti Spamming with User Signupl
* Anti Harvesting
* Serialisation API Protocol
InstallationDownload the lastest version from Chronolabs on Google code or off sourceforge. Unzip the archive you should have a folder called 'htdocs' in the unzipped location. Copy the contents of 'htdocs' folder to your CMS root path this is generally a folder called 'public_html' or 'www' on your FTP service of your website. Log into your CMS and goto the modules/applications installation section, this is generally in your system control area under modules. Click on the icon that represent installing the module. If all has behaved as need be then your module is installed. If your module requires a user licences, keys or a username then sign-up to the apprpriate sites and retreieve your keys or IDs (Links should be provided in the preferences) and paste the values into preferences. Now your right to go!
UpgradingDownload the lastest version from Chronolabs on Google code or off sourceforge. Unzip the archive you should have a folder called 'htdocs' in the unzipped location. Copy the contents of 'htdocs' folder to your CMS root path this is generally a folder called 'public_html' or 'www' on your FTP service of your website. Log into your CMS and goto the modules/applications installation section, this is generally in your system control area under modules. Click on the icon that represent upgrading the module. Your version number should no longer be in bold and would have changed!
Reporting a BugThe google code section has an area for reporting bugs called issues. Any issue or bug you believe you are having that is not a result of your site services then please report it here. The URL for reporting bugs is as follows:
http://code.google.com/p/chronolabs2/issues/entryPlease report the following:
a) Version of CMS
b) Version of PHP
c) Version of MySQL
d) Services Software ie. Apache, Zeus etc.
e) Version of Software
f) Error Messages
g) Steps to reproduce
e) Contact details for the team to get in touch should they need!