Sport Management Module
  • 2013/3/8 22:31

  • zeroram

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 326

  • Since: 2004/6/30

I think xoops lack of a good module for Sports Managment. Xoops has all the tools to be a great community based sports site.

TPLeague is the only sports module and is wayyyyyy to old and does not comply for todays requirements.

Imagine a module where you can use it for Soccer (the most popular sports for example) sites , this will bring lots of webmasters wanting to use xoops.

just my though....

Re: Sport Management Module
  • 2013/3/8 23:51

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11420

  • Since: 2004/4/23


zeroram wrote:
TPLeague is the only sports module and is wayyyyyy to old and does not comply for todays requirements.

Just few days ago we've updated the Team module
Would it work for you? Could you modify it for more sport team events?

TPLeague is the only sports module and is wayyyyyy to old and does not comply for todays requirements.

What would be today's requirements? Is it still possible to get there by updating the module, and would it have to be rewritten from scratch?
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Re: Sport Management Module
  • 2013/3/10 9:59

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11420

  • Since: 2004/4/23


zeroram wrote:
I think xoops lack of a good module for Sports Managment. Xoops has all the tools to be a great community based sports site.

TPLeague is the only sports module and is wayyyyyy to old and does not comply for todays requirements.

OK, today we've made the first step - I've converted the Sport Modules to XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI (see here).

They are outdated, but at least you can now install them on XOOPS 2.5.5 and PHP 5.3/5.4 and test them.

Now it's really up to the users to work on improvements
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Re: Sport Management Module
  • 2013/3/11 1:24

  • zeroram

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 326

  • Since: 2004/6/30

TPL allow only to have tournaments table,show fixture and do some math with it. thats all.

what i think will be better is something like having template based point table (TPL is harwired to the PHP code and does not use the template system)

Quick list of things the soccer module should have (admin side)

- In soccer exist different type of tournaments (not just all against all) so...

- Create a Tournament (from type of tournaments) (assign a season year)

- Create Teams

-Assign Teams to a Tournament

Once team are assigned, create the fixture and be able to enter data like

Dropdown menu Home Team - Dropdown menu Away tema - date, time, stadium name , TV chanel that boradcast

Great if is possible, (enter data for Goal minute, yellow cards, red cards)

- Create Players

- Assign Players to a Team (On that year)

there lots of things to make something great... i did create a module similar to what i am describing here for futbolchileno.com but i got stack ( i am not a php coder, i am just a designer actually)

http://www.futbolchileno.com/modules/torneos/index.php (Table )

http://www.futbolchileno.com/modules/torneos/team.php?team=4 (team Profile with current squad)

http://www.futbolchileno.com/modules/torneos/jugador.php?id=28 (players profile)

http://www.futbolchileno.com/modules/torneos/calendario.php?date=1360476000 (Fixture)

http://www.futbolchileno.com/modules/torneos/estadio.php?id=3 (Stadiums Profiles)

http://www.futbolchileno.com/modules/torneos/partido.php?match=55 ( Detail of a Match, currently only allow to enter minutes of the goals )

The blocks is displaying Next and Previous Matches and Maximun goal scorers

The worst part of that futbolchileno.com module, is that does not store the tournament and everything need to be emptyed though phpmyadmin at the end of the season , losing all the valued data.

thats for now... what do you think? i belive that if anything like this is created or modify it, it may work for almost any sport, so this could be called The Sports Module

anyone for the challenge??

Re: Sport Management Module
  • 2013/3/11 1:50

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11420

  • Since: 2004/4/23

thats for now... what do you think? i belive that if anything like this is created or modify it, it may work for almost any sport, so this could be called The Sports Module

You did an awesome job with it! Congratulations!

I like your idea about having a "Sport Module". The basics are pretty much the same for all team sports. They all have:

- teams
- players
- venues
- matches
- coaches

The difference is how they score.

If we could extract the common elements, and then provide a "scoring plugin" (like for soccer, hockey, cricket, volleyball, baseball, etc), then it could be a great solution.

I would love to see a team of people working on it and making it happen. The nice thing is that you're a designer, which is what we're missing the most among our contributors lately.

BTW - Eduardo (BitC3r0) had a module for team, but it requires RMCommon.

Resized Image

You can see it in action used for a kids baseball team here.
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Re: Sport Management Module

I was doing a site for a local team and was going to update a bunch of these modules but then things changed. Another module that would be good for this group is xRoster but it is currently hard coded into a form that would be unusable without major rewriting.

xRoster is one of the modules that is about 5th on my list of priorities since I want to make it sort of a "profile lite" that can be used no mater if the player is or isn't on the website. (In the version I made a player could actually apply to be on the team by filing out the xRoster information and submitting it. This would send it to the team and the person responsible for the roster could then look it over and approve it or not. It also allowed the team representative to link already entered records to new system users.)

The latest available version is really designed for a video game clan and was more of a hack thrown together than a well built module. (It for instance uses one method to read records and a totally different method for writing.)

Took me about 2 weeks to get a version to even work with 2.4.5 when I was playing around with it. But it is a nice module to have in place if you want to list a roster with player information. It also is a great way to have a player contact sheet that can be available to the coaches as well. I actually had it setup to allow someone with the proper permissions to be able to download a player list that showed the emails, phone number and city they were located in. But as I mentioned before the code was very crude and I didn't want to release it at the time.

However if someone REALLY wants the code I would be willing to send it out. But I will be rewriting the program from scratch later this year. I might be willing to put the sports stuff a little higher up on the priority list if there is a real need for these modules.

I wanted to integrate a few of the modules so they worked together to link information to make things easier.

For instance, have a scheduler program that also allows scores to be updated. When the score is finalized the score could be sent out as a sort of newsletter. (We had to provide the score with stats to the league office. I was going to have this program send an automatic update to them and anyone else. You could update the score by quarter from a phone so people could get an up to date score for the game if they were following it.)

When a game was finalized and stats for that game were available it would link to those and any videos or pictures.

In the stats pages you could click on a player name and it would bring up their roster page. On the roster page that players current statistics would be another link you could select.

But again, the team took on a coach that had buddies that "know how to setup websites" so they decided to go a different direction. I may be able to convince some teams to use xoops if there was a solid foundation of team based modules. So again. If there is interest once I get done with the pdo, install and groups upgrades I might have to consider doing some work with these if there is a great interest.


Re: Sport Management Module
  • 2013/3/11 5:00

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11420

  • Since: 2004/4/23

However if someone REALLY wants the code I would be willing to send it out.

Just set a branch for yourself in /branches, and put the code there.
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Re: Sport Management Module


Mamba wrote:
However if someone REALLY wants the code I would be willing to send it out.

Just set a branch for yourself in /branches, and put the code there.

I will consider this.. Since it was my first attempt at editing anything "xoops" and I just wanted to make it work for me it really is a hack job and I hate to release code like that. It has some cool features true but it really wasn't very good coding. I rushed through it to try and add some features I wanted.

Re: Sport Management Module

I did post my code to xroster. The original module was not up there just the one Mamba modified so in my branch the original version is there and my "hacked" version.

I ran it briefly to make sure it loaded in 2.5.5 and it DOES run but doesn't have the 2.5.5 admin on it. As I mentioned before and is mentioned in the readme file, because I plan to totally rewrite this module I won't do anything further with it. But if someone had an american football team this module would handle their roster pretty well. It can probably be relatively easily changed to work with other sports as well. But will be very tedious the way it is written.


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