zeroram recently suggested that we update our Sports Management modules

So today we're making the first step: I've converted these three modules to XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI, and tested under PHP 5.4.12.
The modules are outdated in the sense that they are not using XOOPS API, and would have to be converted to Blue Move, but for the time being it seems like they are doing the job.
But since you can now install and test them on XOOPS 2.5.5 and PHP 5.3/5.4, I hope that we'll have users who will want to work together on improving these modules, and converting them to XOOPS API.
So let me know if there is any interest in improving these modules any further.
Download: -
CricketStats 1.20 Beta 1-
MatchDart 1.60 Beta 1-
TPL League Stats 1.10 Beta 2Also, we've updated recently the
Team module, for playing games on line, so you can test it as well:
Team 3.02 Beta 1