Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/9/27 4:37

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

we can investigate since issue together. Im sure we can solve that.
you said you cannot see "from the beginning" in viewforum.php when since default is set to 0 in newbb preferences? right?
but it is correct in xoops.org, my website and new installation.

Also you said since disappears when click on pagenav in viewforum.php? you mean a link like this one:

It is correct in xoops.org and other websites too.

so you mean just you have this issue?
please confirm that only you have this issue then we can proceed.
I suggest to install a fresh xoops 2.5.5 and fresh newbb and see if you still have this issue?
btw, do you create 5 or 10 or 20 topics after fresh install of newbb to see the pagenav?

Also with your mentioning on since value i found a new minor bug in functions.time.php
this is bad coding:
if ($since==1000) return 0;



also another minor bug:
in xoops_version.php the default values should not have 0.
'default'        => "-1, -2, -6, -12, 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 100");

if you have 0 in default values ( by default or by entering in newbb preferences) you will end up a funny sentence: "From Last 0 Hours"

i will correct the above minor issues today.
i prefer to not change the xoops_version.php default values for since because it just affect the new installations.

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/9/27 5:03

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

The problem is only when click on the page number:

See in my site link
try to click page 2 or higher. Since is not in url and pagenav is wrong
If in the link set since>0 the pagenav work correctly. try with since=200

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/9/27 5:04

  • mrphilong

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 351

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irmtfan wrote:
it is very strange to me that you need to repair the tables.
Is that an upgrade? from which version?

I was on newbb 4.3, one day out of the blue the error came.

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/9/27 6:36

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

Thank you for providing a link to your website. it explain everything.

That is definitely a bug in SEO URL but without more investigating i cannot tell details. It seems the newbb SEO strip the since value and remove it. therefore with No since you will end up some strange behavior like that.

see yourself
this is correct with since value=0:

incorrect with no since:

As i said before i dont touch the SEO URL functionality in newbb and i dont use it and dont recommend it. IMO SEO should be come from the core and should implement and act in the whole website not just a newbb module.
I recommend turn the SEO in newbb OFF and use this hack for SEO in your whole website URL instead of newbb SEO until core team come with the final solution for SEO.

xoRewriteModule hack:

also it seems the since_default value in your website is set to 100 days?
please let us know your since array and since_default value.


I dont understand what you said.
you mean you have this issue in a fresh install?
Then you repair tables and solve the issue and now after one day you have this issue again?
please let us know more:
your php, mysql xoops

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/9/27 7:15

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

IMO i was wrong and there is no bug in SEO URL in newbb.
you set since_default=100 and topics posted before 100 days ago will not show up.

IMO you can use since_default=0 please set the value and let me know what is the issue?

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/9/27 13:15

  • Roby73

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 262

  • Since: 2011/6/15

Thank you irmtfan. Explain at word for me is very difficult, many times i use google translator .

Yes since_default is set to 100. is so from 3.08..
I set since_default to 0 now all work correctly.

But i think this a little bug, if administrator want set to 100 is not possible

For SEO rewrite i agree to can use SEO in the core.
But now i have SEO in the principal module: newbb, news and AMS.
I'm working to create SEO in the catalog and other part not in module.

Thank you!!!!

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/9/29 1:27

  • mrphilong

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 351

  • Since: 2006/7/14


irmtfan wrote:


I dont understand what you said.
you mean you have this issue in a fresh install?
Then you repair tables and solve the issue and now after one day you have this issue again?
please let us know more:
your php, mysql xoops

No issue with fresh install. Something was wrong with the tables but it is ok now.

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/9/29 9:00

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7


But i think this a little bug, if administrator want set to 100 is not possible

Yes, i found this bug with your help.
Honestly the newbb english translation is very confusing and even the developer had been confused and wrote the wrong code in viewforurm.php
The since_default is not really since default but it is 'Since' default value in selection box

So it should just affected the selection box.
But in viewforum.php the bug is it affect the navigation bar too.

I find another bug for since value in search.php

Also I rewrite the selection box creator function and now it is very smooth and without hardcode.

i will update when i can get access to the new svn.

So it is an upgrade? from which version?
After all i still dont know you want to upgrade from XXX version to 4.3 or not?
do you still have problems?

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/10/10 11:23

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

You probably know that the search in newbb was almost useless because it has many bugs and mal-functioning.
I rewrite the newbb search function from scratch and now it is fully functional. some of the fixes are:
- keep the input data in search fields for new searches.
- search a topic
- highlight keywords in search
- show selective posts text contain keywords in search
- forums/categories can be selected from multi select box for search.
- order issues are solved.
- permission issues are solved. users wrongly could search post texts without enough Karma.
- reduce queries almost 70%

Now the search function in newbb is far better than xoops 2.5.5 search.

demo: http://www.jadoogaran.org/modules/newbb/search.php?easiestml_lang=en

i found a new bug today.
new posts are wrongly shown from the user last visit that stores in cookie:

but it should be shown from the read items stored in database.
I will update with fix soon. i hope tomorrow.

Re: Newbb 4.3
  • 2012/10/10 12:11

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11426

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Now the search function in newbb is far better than xoops 2.5.5 search.

Irmtfan, that's awesome!

Do you think that we could extract it and make it generic, so we could:

- utilize it in other modules

- eventually replace the XOOPS Search function

- and in the future, if something better comes along, replace it with other Search functions, without any impact on the modulus?

If it's better, then we should use it across XOOPS and all modules.
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