Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/4/27 21:47

  • Anonymous

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Automatic module/ block cache refresh after changing or adding content. Now you have to do that "by hand", which is not very user friendly.

Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.

This was done for the "new, feature rich and blah" J! core, when 1.6 came out, everyone noticed that this core got the slowest speed ever, even with creating tons of cache files for clean install with same content of 3-4 pages. That's why was created cache cleaner, system plugin which uses build-in cron to clean cache folders for the core and as well 3rd party addons/libs caches.

In past I have a very huge site done with 2.0.18 (sorry, but this was and still is best core... just outdated), with over 20,000 content objects (and site is still operational, just someone else maintains it). There wasn't need for maintaining Cache (no need and for the protecotr/xortify) for the modules, only for specific blocks which was removed in time. The mentioned site is http://big.bg/ (use google translate).

Regarding the server, should be still with PHP4 and XFS file system (Beta version), with kernel 2.4, that was at what I left it. (While everyone else at that time uses sluggish ext2 (don't forget that MySQL stores databases as files too) and with pre-build web environments, this was done on slackware core, but with manually configured, php, mysql and apache)

Attached bellow is the "PRO" version of Cache Cleaner (http://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/cachecleaner#description) for J! 1.7/2.5 before author to change his mind and release most of the futures as separate version.... (GPL sucks... even if I catch PRO version, can re-release it for free :) )


That's remind me and on another topic for 2.6, licensing:
GPL versions 2 and 3 are supporting PIRACY and provide/encourage existing of the sites known as "warez", such license is in conflict with the developers, translators and documentation writers work, time and health they're spend on this or another GPL project. FSF.ORG don't pay attention to any violators of that license, nor GNU pay attentions. So GPL licensing should take part of a discussion (another maybe) and to be dropped and replaced by Creative Commons and/or another license which really works. GNU GPL simply can be renamed as GNU Warez license.
May The Source Be With You!

Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/4/28 7:30

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

When I create a banner I can decide whether to activate it or not, or if it's already active, I can only disable it without deleting. As regards the core of the database, I created a hack so you can be added to this release. It would be better instead to separate from the core database structures and put them directly in modules will be seen that the banners module, otherwise it's more complicated to create branches of the module.


Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/4/28 7:52

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11378

  • Since: 2004/4/23

It would be better instead to separate from the core database structures and put them directly in modules will be seen that the banners module

Did you look into XOOPS 2.6.0? Banners is already separated from Core.
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/4/28 8:19

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

Did you look into XOOPS 2.6.0? Banners is already separated from Core.

Yes, but where is the folder sql, database tables?

Resized Image

Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/5/2 9:17

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

I would like to have ckeditor in my xoops

Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/5/2 9:29

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11378

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Just download the editor you prefer from SourceForge SVN.

You might need to update to the latest version, but it should be easy for you since the basic work is already done.

Officially we'll only support TinyMCE as default WYSIWYG editor.
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/5/2 9:38

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21


That's why I wrote about this discussion, I'd like to see it included in the default editor list of xoops 2.6.0

Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/5/3 7:20

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

I'm testing but haven't found in administration the tool of homepage, it's intention of the Council to approve my idea based on this?

Xoops Homepage

Is a question that I think will please everyone.

It will be inserted into xoops 2.6.0?

Re: If we were to start a 2.6 Branch what would you like to see.
  • 2012/5/3 22:34

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

What I would like to see is a strong (clean&bugfree) last final version of the 2.6 series. Likewise the versions (if I remember good) 1.18 and 2.0.13 where/are with good modules before Xoops started a new branche.
Secondly I would like to see strong, good working up-to-date modules for this final 2.6 version. The modules part is realy a sadness for this branche and for some time.
At the moment Xoops is like an engine (read core)without good seats, lamps, (read modules), doors, and so on. It is half a car. If you where to buy such a car I don't think you would buy it. I don't think you would even take a look at it.
The release of a future new Xoops serial/branche will take some time. Years, if you'd ask me. Due this time, to stay strong within the CMS world, we need a strong last 2.6 version core with good working up-to-date modules. Only this way we will attrack new users which Xoops, to my opinion needs. After all, new users bring also some new future developers.


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