2.5 (hopefully) will be maintained later after 2.7.5 release, and yeah, there will be different forums for each core. But since is no such core, who will post anything ?
Still the language part is not clear for .PHP/.INI files for the upcoming release.
Still there is no clearance till when XOOPS will maintain Nuke Themes ?
Still there is no idea what will be included in core, and what exactly to be this "core"
Still no idea how help.xoops.org will exists.
and in fact, nothing is known so far for 2.6.
Users using xoopses bellow 2.5.x will be directed to upgrade they're cores to latest stable, and then to solve they're problems. There is no such thing, someone to give support for Kernel 2.0.33 when is dead even in archives except here. since on xoops.org latest is 2.5.5 - they will use it, or will solve the problems with 2.2/2.0 on they're own. Same is for 2.3 and 2.4. Does anyone maintain topics for e107 v0.5x or Joomla! 1.0, or mambo 4.5 ?
May The Source Be With You!