The changes I have are as follows:
Version 1.94
Added: dms_inc_functions_test() has been added to test the inclusion of inc_dms_functions.php when developing.
Added: dms_send_emai() can now be used to send an attachment that is not located in the repository.
Added: A job can now be scheduled to delete all documents in a folder.
Added: Documents can now be removed from a lifecycle.
Added: By setting a folder configuration flag, the document comments can now be displayed on the main screen.
Added: URL's can now be e-mailed.
Change: Disabled mime type determination via the "file" command, on Linux systems.
Change: The MMS integration no longer displays the standard header functions. (i.e. Import Document, Create Folder, etc.)
Change: Fixed an issue where forcing a folder to display only worked on the second attempt to display the folder.
Change: Created an object select page (obj_select.php). This page is to be used anywhere a folder or file is selected.
Change: folder_content_report.php no longer reports deleted file.
Change: The job server no longer publishes deleted files.
Change: The folder_content_report.php has been modified so that deleted files are no longer displayed.
Removed: With the exception of the main screen, the menu bar has been removed from all screens.
Version 1.93
Added: Links can be created to documents and folders. Note: This feature is currently disabled.
Added: Folder copy system for administrators.
Change: Re-wrote most of the user interface code to ease maintainablilty.
Version 1.92
Added: Created a block that contains all of the document/folder/url creation buttons.
Added: Administrators can globally change user ownership on documents. For example, if a user leaves an organization, all documents
owned by that user can be transferred to another user. Additionally, if selected, all other permissions for that user can
be deleted.
Added: Document expiration system.
Added: Properties search, for a document name, can now be initiated from a query string. Use search_prop.php?search_name=
Added: Full text search can now be initiated from a query string. Use search_ft.php?search_query=
Added: Document view counter has been added. This is incremented only when a document is viewed.
Added: The maximum size, of an uploaded file, is now displayed in the error message if the document was too large to upload.
Added: A time stamp is now applied when adding links to other web pages.
Added: Groups can now be e-mailed documents.
Added: URL's can now be moved and copied.
Added: Auditing information can now be displayed for folders and sub-folders, in one report.
Change: User ID's are now resolved when displaying audit logs.
Change: The document/folder/url creation buttons are now displayed at the top of almost every page.
Change: Administrators can now move or copy any and all documents, regardless of their being in a lifecycle.
Change: Left justified the Lifecycle Name and Lifecycle Stage, in file_options.php under the Information section.
Change: Job server now sorts documents correctly by FILO, when publishing documents for external display.
Change: Alphabetical document sorting is now reset when a user changes folders.
Change: Misc. minor user interface changes.
Change: Removed _binfilter.sh requirement for full text search engine and modified the swish-e.conf file.
Change: Improved the viewing of documents that do not have extensions.
Change: Permissions propagation now works in PHP 5.
Change: The ADN system has been modified such that the mask character is ignored when searching for the mask to replace.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any notes regarding the specific changes with version 1.95. I would say that adding the full text search summaries was probably the biggest change for version 1.95. But, I can't be sure if I changed anything else as it has probably been two to three years since I worked on it last.
btesec wrote:
reifsnyderb can we get a list of the changes/updates done for version 1.95. I am am testing now.