extgallery options to add?

Due to an unexpected end to some projects I was working on I am looking to get into extgallery and make some significant changes.

I still work 65 hours a week so anything I do will be slow.

My intention is to move towards more of a "2.0" version of extgallery but incorporate all the features added by Voltan to that point.

My first major steps will be to attempt to incorporate a directory structure. This directory structure will be designed to work on small or large systems. As part of this I will look at having an XML file in each album that will describe the album. The data base will then hold a subset of this with any permissions or other settings required to view the album.

Since I will be changing the structure of how things are saved in the database I am also looking at other major modifications to this as well. I will be looking to support private, public, user (profile) and system albums. And yes this could replace the image manager in theory.

I will also be looking at using external pictures as if they were local and some other things since I will be changing this structure.

The intention of the album with the xml file will be to allow an album to be exported and imported to another location easily. You could also rebuild the database for a large number of pictures relatively easily. This would allow uploading an archived file with just the pictures and an xml file then the program could decompress the file and update the database easily from the xml file.

Since this is a major changing in this program I would like to hear what other options would like to be added.


Re: extgallery options to add?
  • 2011/3/9 18:44

  • JCash

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  • Posts: 66

  • Since: 2011/2/22

Looks interesting, thx :)

It would be nice if we there was a form to edit photo. For moment we can update his description and his weight but ... it's not possible to change image.

If yes, we will able to use extgallery to create catalogs :)

Re: extgallery options to add?
  • 2011/3/9 20:50

  • fdeconiac

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I like the fact to work on extgallery and keeping the work done by voltan !

About the folder structure, i'm not a developper and do not see the advantage of xml file... But i looked in PIWIGO gallery i'm testing for 2 monthes, having also a folder structure, and didn't see any xml files on folders (only pwg_high and thumbnail folders)

If you are interested in having a look to an existing PIWIGO gallery, to see how it works and maybe get some ideas, please let me know and i will give you access to mine !


Re: extgallery options to add?

My expectation is that the XML file will allow someone will be able to just copy the directory and import it into another site with extgallery and not loose the information about the album. And you will be able to easily upload new albums and have the information inserted without having to edit each album. Very nice if you would like to install the same album on multiple sites.

If it doesn't work the way I envision I may drop this.

But I will plan to try looking at whatever options were mentioned in the thread:

And see what can be added.

Due to the issues with the upload module I may also look into providing an upload module like we do for editors and use them as plugins so we can add other ones easily.

Re: extgallery options to add?
  • 2014/4/16 5:22

  • Cifug

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I know this is an old thread but I think some of the points that Rod brought up are still very valid like the idea of being able to make an album private or public and having a directory structure...very cool.

Even if we could just add the permissions to make a private or public album would be fantastic.

Rod, are you still working on this or have you had to re-prioritize?


Re: extgallery options to add?

I am finishing up my semester in school then I will be working extensively with Richard and help him get 2.6 moving along. Hopefully by end of summer with my help 2.6 will be drastically farther along.

So yes I had to re prioritize.

I am finishing up my semester in which I had a class in building web pages for Drupal. I am going to try working on some pet projects along the way too but I am going to try to keep mum until I have something to show. I have had a tendency to promise too much in the past and haven't really shown much yet. I will say that I have some really cool stuff in mind down the road so we shall see.


Re: extgallery options to add?
  • 2014/4/17 1:08

  • Cifug

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2007/12/13

Cool, thanks Rod.

Anybody else have some time to help me implement the 2 things I mentioned above?

1. Be able to make private albums
2. Album directory structure

I will help test it for you???

Re: extgallery options to add?
  • 2014/5/14 14:55

  • Cifug

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2007/12/13



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