I have a problem to translate module profile into Italian
In the user registration and profile the select modules notification and order comment, not change language (example:(temporarily disable, private, Email not change) but it's always in english.
You can see error in this image:
http://yfrog.com/juerrorjbpIn the file's language the define is correct. I also tried changing the constants from the English language, but nothing has changed!
Then I discovered the field of text field_options in the table xoops_profile_field.
It contains:
a: 3: (i: 0; s: 28: "VGVtcG9yYXJpbHkgRGlzYWJsZQ ==" i: 1; s: 20: "UHJpdmF0ZSBNZXNzYWdl" i: 2; s: 44: "RW1haWwgKHVzZSBhZGRyZXNzIGluIG15IHByb2ZpbGUp";)
Only if I change this mysterious code changes something!
How then to translate into Italian? Why the language file do not work?
thanks and sorry for my bad English