Why the previous comment because you have an equal or may be more support for DJ then for xoops. Hence either you have not really understood the concerns of people posting in this topic or you choose to not understand hoping all will become fine.
You have the wrong impression. I believe that good leadership style and teamwork is to praise people in public, and criticize in private. So just because you don't see what I say in private emails, you shouldn't assume things. For me XOOPS is the most important. Period!
If I believe that DJ can provide value to XOOPS, I'll support him, the same way as I support everybody who wants to contribute to XOOPS and make a difference!
And I've been "harassing" him for more details for several months. But I am also aware of his obstacles from personal life that might slow him down.
Again, we're doing this as volunteers, and we need to respect it.
If you ask Nicolas from 2.5.0 or Trabis, I am always trying to be respectful of their personal and work life. I always tell them that their family and work comes first!
If I see that somebody doesn't deliver, that it's all hot air, then it's a different story. But in case of DJ, I saw him always delivering in the past.
Sure, 3.0 is probably the most difficult project for him in his life, and because of that, there is always the chance that he might come and say "You know what, this is not doable, the idea what I had, just won't work". That's why I call it 3.0 at this moment as being in "experimental phase". Once it goes into Alpha, it will mean that is working, and we'll have a chance to see if it fulfills our expectations: if it's fast enough, if the compatibility is there, etc. If the XOOPS developers agree that it does, THEN it will become the official "next generation" XOOPS version.
But in the meantime, to minimize any risks and avoiding putting all eggs in one basket (as we did with XoopSphere), we're pushing forward with 2.4.5 and 2.5.0, so our users are getting new releases than improve their lives TODAY. Think again about the car analogy. It's nice to have experimental cars, but our users have to drive to work today
No one really has a problem with you except for the lack of communication on your part before the change of ranks atleast in this particular topic (which in my opinion was very unprofessional).
That was obviously a mistake because I didn't anticipate such an uproar. Therefore it has been corrected and the people in question have got their ranks back.
All questions have been really aimed at DJ. One question that has not been answered ever and I ask again, why is DJ the only one working on xoops 3.0
Because he is not ready yet to publish it. That's how many developers work! They work on their "intellectual baby" on their computers, till they are ready to introduce it to the world.
Just look around. How many times do you see developers who come out and say: "
I am going to work on XYZ. It's just a concept and here it's my first file, and now I'll be adding every day every file that I am working on". This almost never happens. Most of the time, people work on a concept, test it, improve it, and once they're happy with it, they will release it as Alpha.
Just see following releases:
- RM Common Utilities by Eduardo
- Publisher by Trabis
- Morphogenesis 2.0 by Kris
- the changes to the System module by the French team, that became the basis for XOOPS 2.5.0
Did you hear about them before they were announced as Alpha? Did the authors share their work from the very beginning?
Some of these projects have never been publicly released, like Xoosla by Catzwolf. He shared the code with me in private, but asked me not to release it because he didn't feel yet comfortable with it. It was still an experiment for him. Developers do have high expectations of themselves, and are not willing to show stuff that doesn't live up to their requirements.
That's how some people work! And we need to accept it, unless we want to chase them away.
Just go through all the Innovation Awards and check how many of the projects featured there involved the audience from the very beginning, and how many were announced as Alpha only after the developer felt comfortable with the result?
DJ will release it as Alpha once he feels comfortable with it. Then he will involve the community and decide if this is something that we want to use as our "next generation" XOOPS. But up to now he didn't feel comfortable with publishing it yet.
But I believe that we're
getting closer. Let's be patient a little bit more. Let's not throw a baby with the bath!