i'm trying to make a simple seo content module for my website
i'm a php beginner...trying to learn make module by looking at other module to follow as a guide..so far so good..but sadly my coding is not following the standards...have more to learn
ok one of the thing that i want to do in my module is to make my module renameable and cloneable
...i saw this code in trabis dummy module - xoops_version.php
which can make our module folder renameable ..i had incorporated in my module
$modversion['dirname'] = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$modversion['name'] = ucfirst(basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
what about the database table ? MySQL query ?
how do i do it
as example how do i change tthe code below so it can be renameable and clone multiple times...?
CREATE TABLE `mycontent_details` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`filename` varchar(200) default NULL,
`metakeywords` mediumtext,
`metadescription` mediumtext,
`pagetitle` mediumtext,
`doctitle` mediumtext,
`content` mediumtext,
global $xoopsDB;
mysql_query("DELETE from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("mycontent_details")." where id='" . $_GET['del'] . "'");
what else should i look into beside above..im a php beginnner..help..
p/s : sorry for my ppor english and please ignore the wrong fieldtype and value