Thanks all !
Some corrections :
• new download link to please my favorite bearded
• module logo added (oups!)
• list of checked styles (.txt)
/*=============== Style for Titles ... ===============*/
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {}
h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a {}
h1 a:hover, h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover, h4 a:hover, h5 a:hover, h6 a:hover {}
/* ============== Images ============== */
img {}
a img:hover, a img:focus {}
a img {}
/*=============== Links ===============*/
a {}
a:hover, a:focus, a:active {}
/* ========= GENERIC FONT CLASS ========== */
.smallsmall {}
.small {}
.normal {}
.big {}
.maxi {}
.bold {}
.italic {}
/*=============== GENERAL ELEMENTS ===============*/
em {}
strong, b {}
del {}
small {}
/*=============== LISTS (UL & OL) ===============*/
#xo-canvas-columns ul, #xo-canvas-columns ol, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
ul {}
#xo-canvas-columns ol, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
ol {}
#xo-canvas-columns li, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
li {}
#xo-canvas-columns ul ul li, #xo-canvas-columns ol ol li, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
ul ul li, ol ol li {}
/* ================= PAGINATION ================ */
.xo-pagact {}
.xo-counterpage, .xo-pagarrow {}
.xo-counterpage:hover {}
.xo-pagarrow {}
/* ===== CORE MESSAGES ===== */
.errorMsg, .confirmMsg, .resultMsg {}
.errorMsg a, .confirmMsg a, .successMsg a {}
.errorMsg a:hover, .confirmMsg a:hover, .successMsg a:hover {}
.highlight {}
.highlight a {}
.highlight a:hover{}
/*=============== TABLES TAGS =================*/
table {}
th, thead, caption {}
th a, thead a, caption a {}
th a:hover, thead a:hover, caption a:hover {}
tfoot {}
tfoot a {}
tfoot a:hover {}
/*=============== TABLES CLASS =================*/
#xo-canvas-content .outer, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.outer {}
#xo-canvas-content .outer a, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.outer a {}
#xo-canvas-content .outer a:hover, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.outer a:hover {}
#xo-canvas-content .head, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.head {}
#xo-canvas-content .head a, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.head a {}
#xo-canvas-content .head a:hover, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.head a:hover {}
#xo-canvas-content .even, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.even {}
#xo-canvas-content .even a, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.even a {}
#xo-canvas-content .even a:hover, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.even a:hover {}
#xo-canvas-content .odd, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.odd {}
#xo-canvas-content .odd a, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.odd a:hover{}
#xo-canvas-content .odd a:hover, /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.odd a{}
#xo-canvas-content .foot /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.foot {}
#xo-canvas-content .foot a /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.foot a {}
#xo-canvas-content .foot a:hover /* --- Morphogenesis --- */
.foot a:hover {}
/*=============== TABLES ROW CLASS =================*/
tr.head td {}
tr.head td a {}
tr.head td a:hover{}
tr.even td {}
tr.even td a {}
tr.even td a:hover{}
tr.odd td {}
tr.foot td a {}
tr.foot td a:hover{}
/*=========== COMMENT .CLASS ===========*/
.comTitle {}
.comText {}
.comUserStat {}
.comUserStatCaption {}
.comUserStatus {}
.comUserRank {}
.comUserRankText {}
.comUserRankImg {}
.comUserName {}
.comUserImg {}
.comUserImg:hover {}
.comDate {}
.comDateCaption {}
.signature {}
/* ====== TPL CLASS ====== */
.item {}
.itemHead {}
.itemInfo {}
.itemTitle a {}
.itemPoster {}
.itemPostDate {}
.itemStats {}
.itemBody {}
.itemText {}
.itemText:first-letter {}
.itemFoot {}
.itemAdminLink {}
.itemPermaLink {}
/*================ QUOTES ================*/
blockquote {}
.xoopsQuote {}
/*================== CODES =================*/
code {}
.xoopsCode {}
/*======= FORMS ========*/
input, button, select {}
fieldset {}
fieldset a {}
fieldset a:hover {}
legend {}
label, .caption-text {}
textarea {}
textarea:hover {}
textarea:focus {}
input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=button], .xo-formbuttons, .formButton, button {}
input[type=submit]:hover, input[type=reset]:hover, input[type=button]:hover,.xo-formbuttons:hover, .formButton:hover, button:hover {}
input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio], input[type=file] {}
input[type=text]:hover, input[type=password]:hover, input[type=checkbox]:hover, input[type=radio]:hover, input[type=file]:hover {}
input[type=text]:focus, input[type=password]:focus, input[type=checkbox]:focus, input[type=radio]:focus, input[type=file]:focus {}
input[type=checkbox], { margin: 3px; padding:2px;}
... that's very experimental. So if display causes errors, try to modify index.php file : there are a lot of tables and div