Maybe doing with Javascript would be the easiest.
In storyform.inc.php replace
$submit_btn->setExtra('accesskey="s" onClick="myConfirm()" );
In your xoops.js, you add this confim function:
var windowHandle;
function myConfirm() {
windowHandle = window.open('confirm.html','windowName','width=600,height=320');
if (!windowHandle.opener)
windowHandle.opener = self;
return false;
You need a confirm.html (regular html file, mind the paths) with at the inside:
I do solemnly swear .....
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Okay" onClick="opener.document.storyform.submit();self.close()">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Cancel" onClick="self.close()">
It's from an old code example used to confirm a delete in a database.
edit:removed superfluous tick