With the advent of PHP5 it has brought on the ability to CURL, SOAP and do heaps of things to do with intermixing databases on multiple site, say you wanted to uniquely identify your XOOPS site for comparison matrix's the best way to generate a hash to do with this is as follows:
$xoops_unique_hash = md5(XOOPS_LICENSE_KEY);
// or
$xoops_unique_hash = sha1(XOOPS_LICENSE_KEY);
// or
$xoops_unique_hash = crc32(XOOPS_LICENSE_KEY);
This will provide for example with a key of:
cugucu-qkomsm-cc0maq-iagasm-ugomewthe follow hashes/checksums would be provided
2102698cOr any other type of hashing to uniquely identify your system. This will also be used with a new systems that are developed using CURL, SOAP or any other method you could provide the unique to anywhere in a $_GET or via SOAP and XML or any form of communication.