XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/8/25 12:14

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11381

  • Since: 2004/4/23

We need to create a "Guidelines for XOOPS GUI", especially icons for common activities, e.g. Add, Edit, Delete, Enable, Disable, etc.

It's frustrating when you have few modules installed, and every one is using something different.

I believe, there was an agreement in the past to use the Crystal Clear icons, but a lot of times I see modules that use something different.

Can we agree to use consistently as standard the Crystal Icons, which are released under GPL, and therefore fit perfectly into XOOPS.

You can download them here

Unless somebody wants to design a XOOPS specific set of icons

Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/8/25 13:09

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

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It's good to have a more uniform look.

But I guess, some module developpers like the creativity of doing the artwork and generating a style for their module.
And how nice the Crystal icons are, some webmasters would like others to fit in their websites style.

But maybe we could give a selection of them a fix place and naming in the XOOPS core, so they are available for every module developper that wants to use them eg /images/cc_icons/edit/ etc.
Would different sizes be needed?

Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/8/27 9:35

  • bumciach

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 153

  • Since: 2007/6/25

Oh... And I did not even know that there was agreement on the use of Crystal Icons :P
Ghia is right. If we consider this as standard, together with the XOOPS should be distributed basic set of Crystal Icons.
When I started to do a module, the first thing was to seek the appropriate icons in XOOPS / images. There were no icons for add, edit, delete, etc. operations. So I had to look for others.

It would be ideal if the selection of icons correspond to the themes. Then each webmaster could easily get their own site a consistent appearance.
I don't know as much in css, but perhaps, as does (for mimetypes icon) the Gumamela Theme
a[href$='.doc'],a[href$='.rtf'] {
background:transparent url(icons/icon_doc.gifno-repeat center right;
padding:5px 20px 5px 0;

Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/8/27 9:48

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

I think we need two sorts of images:
- Some that are 'themeable' like the template overloading to the theme.
- Some that are language dependent and goes to the language folders.
For making this possible there should be some standard core functions or classes.

Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/9/24 8:54

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

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Would it be possible to choose an "icon set or text" in the admin panel, as we can choose a theme for exemple ?

This would be nice!

Will follow this post...

Regards ;)

Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/9/24 12:57

  • Anonymous

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I hope to add new icons without text so no need to add it to translation packages.

Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/12/6 11:19

  • ForMusS

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2007/10/19

There is a lot of icons pack :
- crytal clear : see Mamba link (eg. wikipedia)
- crystal project from the same author (eg: everaldo ) : http://www.everaldo.com/crystal/
- Tango project : http://tango.freedesktop.org/
- Oxygen project : http://www.oxygen-icons.org/
- Aeon : http://www.vistaicons.com/icon/i147s0/aeon_icon_pack.htm


Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/12/6 15:14

  • ForMusS

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2007/10/19

I think that a poll for decide which icon pack was include, is a good idea.
An other point is the size included : 16, 22, 32


Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/12/6 16:16

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

To my mind, it's better to use the biggest size, so they can be reduced if necessary in a module by customizing the size in templates... (the contrary wouldn't be nice).

Also using icons without background, like png or gif icons, would be nice!


Re: XOOPS Modules GUI Standard Icons
  • 2009/12/6 18:59

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11381

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Instead of selecting only one set of icons, we could select individual icons that we like the most (if the licenses are similar).

The idea I had was to create a list of typical "actions" within XOOPS modules, e.g.:

- Resized Image edit
- Resized Image delete
- Resized Image add
- Resized Image next
- Resized Image previous
- Resized Image email
- Resized Image pdf

which would be similar to what they tried to create in Tango project.

And then select icon that we like the best for each "action".


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