AMS 2.51 Can't show spanish characters
  • 2009/9/11 18:10

  • carlos1426

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2004/5/18


I'd installed XOOPS 2.3.3 in my local server for test purposes. I'd installed english version, and then upload spanish translation folder to the adecuate folders.

I'm using Uniform Server 5.0.41.
I'd configure Uniserver's MySql to use utf8.
The Uniserver's MySql informatio_schema DB is utf8_general_ci.
I'd configured Uniserver's MySql to use connection collation: utf8_spanish_ci.
I'd created XOOPS DB installation with utf8_spanish_ci collation.

The proble arise with AMS module when I try to input an Article Title with a spanish character like an accented letter. The content is saved only to the char previous to offending char

Ex.: "Gestión" is saved as "Gesti"

Can anyone help me?

Re: AMS 2.51 Can't show spanish characters
  • 2009/9/11 19:44

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

Best is to have your XOOPS tables with utf8_spanish_ci collation.
Check that character set in mainfile.php is set to utf8 and also UTF-8 is selected in /language/spanish/global.php
Verify that all language, template, script and theme files are in UTF-8 format without BOM. Use an appropriate editor to as Notepad++ to convert.

Re: AMS 2.51 Can't show spanish characters
  • 2009/9/12 11:59

  • carlos1426

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2004/5/18

Thank you.

All XOOPS tables are in utf8_spanish_ci collation. I tested some AMS tables and the string fields are in utf8_spanish_ci collation too.

I'd tried this, but it didn't worked. I changed this
to this
in language/spanish/global.php

With this change, the home page looks fine, but when I select any option in Main Menu(linked to /modules/...), the spanish texts in the screen looks with extrange characters, but the AMS table store the spanis characters correctly.

If I revert the changes in global.php, all spanish texts in XOOPS looks fine, but AMS doesn't store spanish characters.

Do you know another item to look for?

Thank you again

Re: AMS 2.51 Can't show spanish characters
  • 2009/9/12 14:34

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

Is the html source of your site also indicating UTF-8?
Is there a link where we can see this?

Re: AMS 2.51 Can't show spanish characters
  • 2009/9/20 16:55

  • carlos1426

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2004/5/18

Sorry for the delay in my answer. I was on journey last 10 days.

The problem persists. Thre's no "UTF-8" in the html source as far as in global.php there is a "ISO-8859-1" defined as charset.

I'm doing tests in a local server. Thre's no option to say it on line. Down is part of the html source

Thank you.
