JAVesey wrote:
Thanks for the bug-fixes - there's been a fair bit of work for you sorting out the date/time formatting
Hadn't noticed the search one - sorry
Can you check this fix in 2.3.x?
Some reasons the date/time formatting issues arise:
* Not properly separating code layer from presentation layer
* Not properly defining the date/time fields in the database. Some developers use an integer field, some use a text field, some use a timestamp field, some use a date field and a time field, and still others use a datetime field. Each of them stores the information in different formats and converting and formatting them varies. This is something for the Module Development team to standardize. For the Core Development team, making sure each of the core areas that uses date/time is expecting the same data type.
* Simple mistakes in overlooking parts of code
Just a few ramblings on developing modules.