how multiple sites in the server can use one xoops_data and xoops_lib
  • 2009/3/19 8:28

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

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  • Since: 2003/12/7

i have 10 XOOPS website in my own dedi server. so it is really boring to create xoops_data and xoops_lib for each one.

but it doesnt work if i address it from another account.

is there any solution for this. or this is some kind of multisite that will be implement in the future versions?

Re: how multiple sites in the server can use one xoops_data and xoops_lib


i´ve something similar like you & at the momment i didn´t find any solution about it.

But easy... don´t create anything. Only upload xoops_data & xoops_lib & rename it like data_domain_name-folder & lib_domain_name-folder to have it in order or numerate if you like it.

Don´t stress up... it´s only 20 times to do it

HispaXoops | Xoops España

That's the way i like it! | Nada mejor que una Alhambra bien helada con aceitunas...

Re: how multiple sites in the server can use one xoops_data and xoops_lib
  • 2009/3/23 14:38

  • wilden

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  • Since: 2005/2/21

You can create only one data_lib for all your sites. It's a good solution for protect all you sites with one Protector.

But you need create one for each xoops_data, because XOOPS save the cache files on this directory.


Re: how multiple sites in the server can use one xoops_data and xoops_lib

Solution gave by wilden it´s bad because with it, you can´t customize Protector for every sites than you have it.

So, anyway, if you want it, you can do it.

Other way i think it it´s really easy. Install a site with lib&data folders inside, once in a time you had installed, copy all contents inside those folders & paste to lib&data folders than will be outside the root. Change paths on mainfile & all can work with these mods... i think, not sure, but it must work...

Try it!!! It´s Free !!!

HispaXoops | Xoops España

That's the way i like it! | Nada mejor que una Alhambra bien helada con aceitunas...

Re: how multiple sites in the server can use one xoops_data and xoops_lib
  • 2009/3/23 16:58

  • wilden

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It's not bad solution, I have configured over 6 sites with this and works fine.

If you use the same Protector configuration on all you sites, this is the best solution. In my case, I don't need diferent configuration on each site.

If one site is hacked and protector ban the IP address, this IP is blocked on all you other sites.

Re: how multiple sites in the server can use one xoops_data and xoops_lib
  • 2009/3/23 18:54

  • Mamba

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This approach works for me too
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Re: how multiple sites in the server can use one xoops_data and xoops_lib


If you use the same Protector configuration on all you sites, this is the best solution. In my case, I don't need diferent configuration on each site.

Only in this case, because all sites will have a similar modules structure. If you need to apply any exceptions or rules only to one, with your suggestion, it will be applied at all or none.

It´s not valid for me.
HispaXoops | Xoops España

That's the way i like it! | Nada mejor que una Alhambra bien helada con aceitunas...

Re: how multiple sites in the server can use one xoops_data and xoops_lib
  • 2009/3/25 8:00

  • kakos

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 79

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Xoops_lib can be the same for all sites without any problem with protector. The only thing that may be need attention is the bad_ip. Look here ... About xoops_data I thing need more info (or work ) from the core team because it is hard to do it for every site separately.


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